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  本文关键词: 唐代关中 农田水利 水利管理 水利法规 出处:《西北大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 水是生命之源,对人类的生存、社会的发展有重要作用。在中国古代社会,农田水利建设直接关系到王朝的存亡。关中是唐朝都城所在地,关中地区的农田水利建设更是受到统治者的关注。唐王朝不仅建立了一整套自上而下的管理制度,而且用法律的形式加以保障,这时期确立的管理体制及水利法规对后世影响深远。本文分为五个部分来研究唐代关中农田水利建设、水利管理及立法问题,第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了国内外学者对唐代关中农田水利建设、水利管理与立法问题研究现状及本文的研究意义、研究思路。第二部分主要介绍唐代关中农田水利建设的五大方面,即郑白渠、六门堰、渭南地区水利建设、华阴水利建设、同州水利建设,探讨这些水利在唐代的维修与发展,理清关中水利的脉络。第三部分介绍唐代水利管理机构设置,以《高陵县令刘君遗爱碑》中刘仁师整治泾渠事例为例,探讨水利管理层面的中央及地方水利机构设置及具体职责分工,利用文献资料探讨水利管理权力主体在唐代的变化。第四部分探讨唐代水利法规及其对后世的影响,从唐代的《水部式》、《唐律疏议》、《营缮令》、《沙州敦煌县行用水施行细则》中的水利条文出发,欲窥唐代水利法规的全貌。唐代水利法规对后世影响深远,通过西夏《天盛律令》及李好文的《长安志图》中相关水利法规探讨对唐水利法规的继承性。第五部分主要介绍与水相关的几个问题,以泾河上的碾xY为例,探讨水利具体执行过程与水利法规上的冲突;唐代关中水利在唐前后期的变化及其原因;唐代关中名胜古迹与水的关系;关中农田水利对生态的影响。
[Abstract]:Water is the source of life and plays an important role in the survival of human beings and the development of society. In the ancient Chinese society, irrigation and water conservancy construction is directly related to the survival of the dynasty. Guanzhong is the seat of the capital of the Tang Dynasty. The construction of irrigation and water conservancy in Guanzhong area was paid more attention by the rulers. The Tang Dynasty not only established a whole set of top-down management system, but also protected it by the form of law. The management system and water conservancy laws established in this period have a profound impact on later generations. This paper is divided into five parts to study the construction of irrigation and water conservancy, water conservancy management and legislation in Guanzhong of Tang Dynasty. The first part is the introduction. This paper mainly introduces the current situation and significance of the research on irrigation and water conservancy construction, water conservancy management and legislation in Guanzhong of Tang Dynasty by domestic and foreign scholars. The second part mainly introduces five aspects of irrigation and water conservancy construction in Guanzhong of Tang Dynasty, namely Zheng Bai qu, Liumen Weir, Weinan area water conservancy construction, Huayin water conservancy construction, Tongzhou water conservancy construction. This paper discusses the maintenance and development of these water conservancy in Tang Dynasty, and clarifies the vein of water conservancy in Guanzhong. The third part introduces the setting of water conservancy management institutions in the Tang Dynasty, taking Liu Renshi as an example to renovate the Jingjing canal in the "Gaoling County Ling Liu Jun Yi Ai Stele". This paper probes into the establishment of central and local water conservancy institutions and the division of specific responsibilities in the management of water conservancy. The change of the subject of water conservancy management power in the Tang Dynasty is discussed by using the literature data. Part 4th discusses the water conservancy laws and regulations of the Tang Dynasty and their influence on the later generations, from the Tang Dynasty to the "Water Ministry style", "Tang Law sparse discussion", "Ying Jiao". The water conservancy regulations in Dunhuang County of Shazhou are intended to get a general view of the water conservancy laws and regulations of the Tang Dynasty, which have a profound impact on future generations. The succession of water conservancy laws and regulations in Xixia Tiansheng Law and Li Haowen's Changan Zhitu is discussed. Part 5th mainly introduces several problems related to water, taking the grinding of Jinghe River as an example. The conflict between the concrete execution process of water conservancy and the water conservancy laws and regulations is discussed. The changes and causes of water conservancy in Guanzhong of Tang Dynasty before and after Tang Dynasty; The relationship between historic sites and water in Guanzhong of Tang Dynasty; The ecological impact of irrigation and water conservancy in Guanzhong.


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