发布时间:2018-03-02 21:51
本文选题:十恶 切入点:封建刑法 出处:《西南政法大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: “十恶”在历代封建王朝的立法中始终处于一个重要的地位。“十恶”重罪的规定与判罪对维持封建社会统治秩序起到了重要的作用,同时,“十恶”也集中体现了皇权与族权的相互协调对于维护封建统治的意义。 本文第一部分对十恶的发展作了详细的溯源,从萌芽期到发展期到成熟期,经过各朝各代的演变,在唐律中最终确定了它封建刑律生命中枢的地位。 第二部分对“十恶”各个罪名做详细的解析,剖析各罪名的具体含义,概括其特征,辨析其性质,揭示其相互间的关系以及所反映的社会关系。 第三部分对“十恶”在具体实践中的运用进行了探讨。随着一代代的演变,可以看到十恶还是向着文明的方向迈进,越来越规范。不过虽然有法律的明文规定,在执行的过程中还是不免会随着统治阶级统治的需要而有所出入,大都倾向于加重惩罚。犯此十恶者,不再议、赎之列,不得享受特权,而且因为统治者政治上的需要,在不同的时期对相同的行为出现了不同的处理方式,惩罚的侧重点有所不同。在者由于十恶对于危害政权的犯意也加以防范,那么统治者的主观意志很容易被加入到这类犯罪中来,排除异己,专断刑罚。 第四部分对“十恶”形成的社会成因进行了分析,从自然地理环境,小农经济,家国一体,儒家思想四个方面进行了阐释。自然地理是社会存在和发生的场所,它的存在形式对社会发展形态有一定的影响。中国古代的自然地理环境对古代小农经济的社会形成起了重要的作用。而小农经济的形成和发展与,的发展互相适应,不仅在社会存在上形成了家国一体的格局,在思想上家国一体的观念也深入人心,全社会形成了一个以统治者为首的紧密结合的社会群体。宗法伦理的社会关系巩固,忠、孝观念被提及到了最高的高度,封建社会的一切制度均围绕着这两个重点展开。儒家观念的应运而生,适应了统治者维护忠、孝的需要,被渗透到了法律的实践中。“十恶”的形成正是在这种社会因素的影响下,儒家思想全面入律的过程中逐步确立的。封建社会要求的忠、孝在“十恶”中展现无遗。 本文总的思路是根据层层递进、逐次深入的原则,除宏观与微观、推论与实证紧密结合外还进行横纵向的比较。有比较才有鉴别,在比较中加强论证的说理性。不仅从法制之形,更要从其神质方面进行探究,既注重法治的传承关系,但又要和每一时代的社会、政治、经济、文化、习俗对法治的影响制约紧密联系,从而能够从整体上和更深层次上准确的把握这一制度的内容、嬗变和实质。此外,在文章的具体论证中,采用归纳法、综述法、理论分析研究法等一系列方法相结合,借鉴有关的学说来完成文章。
[Abstract]:The "wicked" is always in an important position in the feudal dynasties in the legislation. The "wicked" felony provisions and conviction of an important role in maintaining the feudal social order to play at the same time, the "wicked" also embodies the coordination of the imperial authority and clan authority for maintaining the feudal rule.
The first part of this paper on the development of the wicked in detail the origin, from germination stage to development stage to mature stage, through the dynasties evolution in the Tang Dynasty in the final to determine its central position. The feudal criminal law of life
The second part of the "ten evils" all crimes to make a detailed analysis, analysis of the specific meaning of the charges, and summarizes their characteristics, analyzes its nature, reveals the relationship and social relationship reflected.
The third part of the "ten evils" in practice are discussed. With the evolution generations, you can see the wicked or towards the direction of civilization, more and more standard. However, although the law expressly provides that in the process of implementation is inevitably with the ruling class and the differences tend to increase the penalty. This made the wicked, not on the list, for, shall enjoy the privileges, but also because of the need of political rulers, in different periods have different ways to deal with the same behavior, the focus is different. In the punishment due to harm to the criminal intent of wicked regime also to guard against. Then the rulers of the subjective will easily be added to this kind of crime to eliminate dissidents, arbitrary punishment.
The social causes of the fourth part of the "wicked" formation are analyzed, from the natural geographical environment, peasant economy, national development, four aspects of Confucianism are expounded. The natural geography is the social existence and the place, its existence form of social development has certain effect plays an important role in society. Chinese ancient natural geographical environment of the Ancient Peasant's formation. And the formation and development of the peasant economy, to adapt to each other's development, not only the formation of the national development pattern in the social existence, in the thoughts of home and country one of the concept deeply rooted, the whole society formed a close knit social group led by the rulers the patriarchal ethics of social relations to consolidate, loyalty, filial piety is mentioned to the highest level, all the feudal society were around the two focus on the Confucian concept came into being. And adapt to the rulers to maintain the loyalty, filial piety, is penetrated into the practice of law. The "wicked" formation is under the influence of social factors, gradually established Confucianism fully into law in feudal society. The requirements of loyalty, filial piety in the "wicked" show exhaustive.
In this paper, the general idea is based on the progressive layers, deepening the principle, in addition to the macro and micro, inference and empirical combination are compared. The longitudinal comparison to the identification, strengthen rational argumentation in comparison. Not only from the legal form, but also to explore the matter from God, not only pay attention to the inheritance relationship and the rule of law, but each time the social, political, economic, cultural, customs influence on the rule of law is closely related to, from the overall and deeper grasp of this system, and the essence of evolution. In addition, the specific demonstration of the article, by induction method, survey method, theoretical analysis method and a series of methods, draw on the theory to complete the article.
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