本文选题:地方自治 切入点:宪政 出处:《中国政法大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 地方自治是当今世界民主国家的一项基本的政治制度,也是最古老的人类社会的组织形式之一。从地方自治的产生过程和地方自治的宪政本质来看,地方自治源于个体权利的行使,并非出于某个圣人的精心设计或突发奇想。地方自治权是从个体权利延伸出来的集体权利,自治团体区域内的全体居民是权利行使主体,这种权利属性是团体自治权免受国家权力的侵犯,从而最大限度地保障了个人的自由。同时,地方自治作为实现宪政民主的基石,也是公民参与公共事务、谋求个体、团体利益最大化的有效途径。虽然各国在历史文化传统上的差异,地方自治常常有不同的表现形式,但是随着世界一体化趋势的不断加强,地方自治形式之间相互沟通和借鉴愈加频繁。结合中国近代宪政发展历程,地方自治从产生至今经历了一个世纪的时代变迁,但宪政意义上的地方自治制度始终没有在中国建立起来,笔者认为根本原因在于中央与地方关系中民主、法制的缺失。从“郡县制”与“封建制”之争我们发现,中国传统政治思想文化中不乏地方自治意识的履痕,中国传统的“地方自治”制度设计是建立在专制集权、乡里宗族的基础之上,在儒家思想和集权方略的双重规制下,是不可能象西方国家那样自生自发的孕育出以民主、自由为核心的地方自治制度的。十九世纪末,晚清政府自上而下推行“新政”,近代宪政意义上的地方自治制度在全国范围内推广开了。这场似西又非西的地方自治运动是中国近代宪政史上独特的现象,它不仅是当时先知先觉的知识分子将中国传统文化与西方先进宪政理论相结合的产物,也是封建统治阶级与新兴资产阶级双向选择的产物:清政府试图通过变革政治体制来巩固岌岌可危的统治权威,民众则将富强的希望寄托在地方自治之上,实现中华民族的振兴。 本文从结构上分为五个部分:第一部分地方自治的宪政思维,主要阐述地方自治与相关宪法概念的界定和关系;清末地方自治兴起的源流,主要论述西方地方自治理论产生发展过程和中国传统地方理念以及它们在清末社会发生的碰撞;清末地方自治思潮的兴盛,主要分析这段时期地方自治思想的演变过程及代表人物观点;清末地方自治的本土实践和反思结论。
[Abstract]:Local autonomy is a basic political system of democratic countries in the world today, and it is also one of the oldest forms of organization of human society. From the point of view of the process of local autonomy and the constitutional nature of local autonomy, Local autonomy originates from the exercise of individual rights, not from the careful design or whims of a saint. Local autonomy is a collective right extended from individual rights, and all residents of autonomous groups are the subjects of exercise of rights. This right attribute is that the right of group autonomy is not infringed on by the power of the state, thereby maximizing the freedom of the individual. At the same time, as the cornerstone of the realization of constitutional democracy, local autonomy is also the participation of citizens in public affairs and the pursuit of the individual. The effective way to maximize the interests of groups. Although the historical and cultural traditions of different countries, local autonomy often have different forms of expression, but with the trend of world integration continues to strengthen, The forms of local autonomy communicate with each other and learn from each other more frequently. With the development of constitutional government in modern China, local autonomy has undergone a century of changes since its emergence. However, the local autonomy system in the sense of constitutionalism has not been established in China. The author believes that the fundamental reason lies in the absence of democracy and legal system in the relationship between the central government and the local government. In Chinese traditional political ideology and culture, there is no shortage of local autonomy consciousness. Chinese traditional "local autonomy" system is designed on the basis of autocratic centralization and rural clan, under the dual regulation of Confucian thought and centralization strategy. It is impossible to spontaneously breed a system of local self-government with democracy and freedom at the core, as in the West. Late 19th century, In the late Qing Dynasty, the "New deal" was carried out by the government from the top to the bottom, and the local autonomy system in the sense of modern constitutionalism was popularized throughout the country. This local autonomy movement, similar to that of the West and not the West, was a unique phenomenon in the history of Chinese modern constitutionalism. It is not only the product of the combination of the Chinese traditional culture with the advanced constitutional theory of the West by the prescient intellectuals at that time. It was also the product of a two-way choice between the feudal ruling class and the emerging bourgeoisie: the Qing government tried to consolidate its precarious ruling authority by changing the political system, and the people placed their hopes for prosperity and strength on local autonomy. To realize the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This paper is divided into five parts from the structure: the first part of the constitutional thinking of local autonomy, mainly expounds the definition and relationship between local autonomy and related constitutional concepts, the origin of the rise of local autonomy in the late Qing Dynasty, This paper mainly discusses the development process of western local autonomy theory and Chinese traditional local ideas and their collision in the late Qing Dynasty, the prosperity of local autonomy in the late Qing Dynasty, the prosperity of local autonomy in the late Qing Dynasty, the prosperity of local autonomy in the late Qing Dynasty, This paper mainly analyzes the evolution process of the thought of local autonomy during this period and the viewpoint of the representative personage, and the local practice and reflection conclusion of local autonomy in the late Qing Dynasty.
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