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发布时间:2018-03-15 07:22

  本文选题:六法 切入点:革命 出处:《苏州大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 本文第一、二、三、四部分重在动态回顾。 第一部分回顾了“六法全书”形成的三个重要时期——清末:“六法”体系初步确立期;国民政府前期:“六法”的发展期;南京国民政府:“六法”的成熟期。在此基础上从立法指导思想、体系结构、法律制度的设计三个方面分析“六法全书”的基本特点。 第二部分回顾“六法全书”被废除的过程,可以划分成三个阶段——领袖的文章:废除“伪法统”;党的政策:废除“六法全书”;共同纲领:废除“六法”的法律化。 第三部分回顾了对“六法全书”被废除后所遭遇的持续性批判。批判首先在司法界、教育界展开,并呈现出扩大化趋势,直到大规模的反右运动。由此分为司法、教育界改革前后与反右运动前后两个阶段。当然,对“六法全书”进行持续批判之时,中共中央的政法工作也开展了起来,主要是灌输马克思主义、建立政治性的法律机构、制颁政治性的“法律”、放宽司法干部的来源、培训政法干部、建立政法学会与创办政法刊物等。 第四部分回顾了“六法”废除后的30年法制概况,有法制初创时期的欣喜,有蔑视法制停滞倒退时期的无奈,有法制全面破坏时期的悲哀,有法制徘徊时期的期待,有法制恢复时期的希望。这三十年立法工作让人感慨万千。在回顾“六法”废除后的30年法制概况之后,与台湾六法的良性发展进行了一个简单的对比。 本文第五、六部分重在思考。 第五部分从多个视角探析“六法全书”被废除的原因,先从法律与革命的关系着手,分析中国王朝更替时的革命与法律的关系、民主革命(辛亥革命)与法律的关系、中国共产党领导的无产阶级革命与法律的关系,以期得到法律与革命互动发展的一般规律和特殊情形。接着从理论、历史两个方面实事求是地分析“六法全书”被废除的原因:片面地理解马克思关于法的基本原理、传统法律文化的影响、中共根据地的法制、国共内战形成的仇恨、“六法全书”远未本土化。或许还能给我们更多的启示。笔者同时注意到了中国的特殊国情,即领袖强大的动员能力和号召力,毛泽东的“法律虚无主义”在一定程度上决定了“六法全书”的命运。 第六部分笔者借助马克思主义辩证法与价值观两个评价尺度,评价废除“六法全书”的得与失,审视马克思主义者废除“六法全书”的行为是否真正符合马克思主义基本原理。最后笔者从微观、中观、宏观三个层次探析废除“六法全书”对中国的深远影响。 废除“六法全书”作为中国法制史上的重大事件已整整过去了六十年,反思“废除六法全书”对当今中国法治建设有哪些启示意义,是一个极有意义的话题。对传统法律文化遗产和外来先进法治文明采取什么样的态度?在法治建设的过程中法学家应有什么样的地位、发挥作用?如何对待法学教育和建设新型法律文化?怎样进行政治体制改革?一系列问题都摆在面前,都无法回避,都值得反思。只有深入反思,吸取历史的经验与教训,才能更好地在法治建设的良性轨道上前行。
[Abstract]:The first, second, three, and four parts of this article are reviewed in a dynamic way.
The first part reviews the "three important period of six laws" formed in the late Qing Dynasty: the establishment of "Six Laws" system; early national government: "development of six"; Nanjing National Government: the maturity of "Six Laws". On the basis of the legislative guiding ideology, system structure, the three aspects of design law the system analysis of the basic features of "Six Laws".
The second part of "Six Laws" abolished the process can be divided into three stages: the leader of the article: the abolition of "pseudo legal system"; the party's policy of abolishing "Six Laws"; the common programme: the legal abolition of "Six Laws".
The third part reviews the experience of "Six Laws" was abolished after the continuing criticism. Criticism was first in the judicial circles, educational circles, and showed a trend of enlargement until the large-scale anti rightist movement. It is divided into judicial, before and after the education reform before and after the anti rightist movement in two stages. Of course, ongoing criticism the "Six Laws", the CPC Central Committee's political and legal work are developed, the main is to instill the Marx doctrine, establishing the political and legal institutions, enacted political law, relax the source of judicial cadres, cadres training law, establishment and political publications founded the society of political science and law.
The fourth part reviews the "six" after the abolition of the 30 years of legal, legal system in the initial period of joy, contempt legal stagnation period helpless, legal time of complete destruction of sorrow, a legal wandering period to a recovery period of thirty years by hope. This legislation makes people after filled with a thousand regrets. Review of the "six" 30 years after the abolition of the legal situation, made a simple comparison with the healthy development of Taiwan's six.
The fifth, sixth part of this article is the emphasis on thinking.
The fifth part is from the perspective of abolishing "Six Laws", starting from the relationship between law and revolution to the analysis of the relationship between revolution and legal Chinese Dynasties when the Democratic Revolution (revolution) and the relationship between the legal relationship and legal Chinese, proletarian revolution under the leadership of the Communist Party, the general rule and the special the situation get the interaction of law and the development of the revolution. Then from two aspects of theory, history and practical analysis of "Six Laws" was abolished: one-sided understanding of the basic principle of Marx method, the influence of traditional law culture, the basic legal system of the civil war, the formation of hatred, "Six Laws" far unlocalised. Perhaps we can obtain more enlightenment. The author also noted the special situation of China, namely leader strong mobilization ability and appeal, Mao Zedong's "legal nihilism "Determines the fate of" Six Laws "to a certain extent.
In the sixth part, with the help of Marx's dialectics and values of the two evaluation criteria, the evaluation of abolishing "Six Laws" gain and loss, examine the Marx doctrine of abolishing "Six Laws" behavior is really in line with the basic principle of the Marx doctrine. Finally, the author from the micro, meso and macro analysis of the three levels of abolishing "Six Laws" profound effect of China.
Abolishing "Six Laws" as a major event in Chinese legal history has been over the past sixty years, reflecting "the abolition of six laws" of the Chinese law construction the significance, is a very meaningful topic. What kind of attitude to the heritage of traditional legal culture and foreign advanced play an important role in the civilization of the rule of law? The process of building the rule of law jurists should have what kind of status? How to deal with legal education and the construction of new legal culture? How to carry out the reform of the political system? A series of questions before, can not be avoided, is worth reflection. Only in-depth reflection, historical experience and lessons learned, in order to better forward on a healthy track the construction of the rule of law.



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