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发布时间:2018-03-18 11:01

  本文选题:中国特色社会主义法律体系 切入点:形成轨迹 出处:《河北师范大学》2009年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 本文选取“中国特色社会主义法律体系的形成轨迹研究”为题,采用历史和逻辑相统一、跨学科研究、比较研究等方法,对该法律体系的形成过程、形成基础进行了系统研究,同时深入分析了该法律体系形成轨迹的基本特征、总结了我国法律体系建设的经验,探讨了该法律体系目前存在的问题及完善对策。 第一章论述了法律体系形成的一般问题,以期为整个论题的建构奠定理论基础。 本章在厘清法律体系、法律体系的形成、法律体系的形成轨迹等基本概念基础上,系统研究了马克思主义关于法律体系形成的相关思想。马克思、恩格斯关于“法律体系与经济基础辩证关系”的思想,列宁“法律体系建设是社会主义法制建设的基础工程”的观点,都为我们认识法律体系问题提供了世界观和方法论意义上的指导。马克思主义经典作家关于法律体系的基本理论,在马克思主义中国化过程中得到了进一步发展。毛泽东非常重视“法律体系中的根本大法——宪法”的制定和建设,并提出了制定宪法要遵循的一系列原则,为社会主义新型法律体系建设提供了指导;邓小平总结建国以来我国法律体系建设的经验教训,并提出了一系列思想、观点、理论、方法,形成了关于社会主义法律体系建设的系统的理论体系,开创了社会主义法律体系建设的新时期;江泽民提出了“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”的治国基本方略,以及“法律体系建设是依法治国的基础和前提”的思想,进一步推动了我国法律体系的建设和完善;胡锦涛同志则提出,建立完备的法律体系是构建社会主义和谐社会的前提和保证,科学发展观是完善中国特色社会主义法律体系的重要指导原则。它们之间既一脉相承又与时俱进,共同统一于社会主义法制建设实践。本章最后分析了影响法律体系形成的主要因素,探讨了法律体系与经济、政治和文化的关系。 第二章研究了中国特色社会主义法律体系形成的历史渊源、条件和模式选择几方面内容,以上是该法律体系形成的基础。 本章首先讨论了该法律体系形成的历史渊源。影响中国特色社会主义法律体系形成的历史渊源主要是中国古代法律体系、新民主主义法律体系和苏联社会主义法律体系。接着分析了中国特色社会主义法律体系形成的条件。中国特色社会主义法律体系是改革开放伟大历史进程发展到一定阶段的产物,因此,中国特色社会主义建设事业的不断推进是该法律体系形成的实践基础。此外,马克思主义法学的蓬勃发展是其形成的法理依据,人民代表大会制的确立和完善是其形成的制度条件,立法技术的改进和提高是其形成的技术保障,以上各方面因素构成了该法律体系形成的条件。本章最后提出,在法律体系的形成方面,中国选择的是“政府推进型”模式,这是后发国家法律体系形成的必由之路,也是我国加速法制现代化的必然途径和中国国情的历史选择。 第三章分三个阶段描述了中国特色社会主义法律体系的形成轨迹。 1949年—1978年为该法律体系的探索阶段。新中国建立后,我国法律体系建设走过了一条艰难曲折的发展道路。新中国在彻底摧毁国民党旧法统基础上,按照马克思主义法学理论和苏联模式创建了社会主义新型法律体系,但后来的文革将刚具雏形的法律体系摧毁,导致了法律虚无主义的蔓延。该阶段法律体系建设的教训是颇为深刻的,如立法体制由分权过甚走向高度集中,大量、简单地移植苏联模式,与旧法制“彻底决裂”,法律体系构建与群众运动紧密联系,法律成为政策的具体化、条文化等等。 1978年—1998年为该法律体系的奠基阶段。1978年12月,党的十一届三中全会召开,我国法律体系建设的环境较探索阶段发生了根本变化。邓小平理论的创立,社会主义市场经济体制目标的确立,社会主义民主政治的新发展等,都推动了法律体系建设进入实质性发展时期。接下来的短短的二十年,我国法律体系建设迅速发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就,初步形成了较为完备的社会主义市场经济法律体系,为中国特色社会主义法律体系的形成奠定了坚实的基础。 1998年—2008年为该法律体系的基本形成阶段。1997年党的十五大将“依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家”确立为治国基本方略,并提出了“2010年形成中国特色社会主义法律体系”的总体目标。世纪之交我国法律体系建设的环境进一步优化,中国特色社会主义理论体系实现重大突破,社会主义市场经济体制进一步健全,社会主义民主政治不断发展,“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”成为治国基本方略和全社会共识,这些都为中国特色社会主义法律体系建设的全面深化提供了广阔的空间,推动我国法律体系建设进一步深入发展。2008年2月,《中国法治建设》白皮书发表,标志着中国特色社会主义法律体系基本形成。 第四章在上一章描述形成轨迹的基础上对中国特色社会主义法律体系形成问题进行了理论分析。 本章首先对该法律体系与我国历史上法律体系以及前苏联法律体系的形成进行了比较分析,得出的基本结论是,中国特色社会主义法律体系与我国历史上法律体系自主发展品格一脉相承,超越了前苏联社会主义类型法律体系的固有模式,开辟了中国特色的法律发展道路。其次,总结概括了中国特色社会主义法律体系形成轨迹的基本特征,其历史进路是一个能动建构的过程,其演进结构是从传统走向现代的过程,其形成主线是中国特色社会主义理论。之后,本章分两个层面探讨了中国特色社会主义法律体系建设的主要经验。从法律体系建设理念层面看,我国法律体系建设坚持了“四个统一”,即党的领导与依法治国的统一、服务大局和统筹兼顾的统一、传承与创新的统一、自主发展与借鉴的统一;从法律体系建设操作层面看,我国法律体系建设坚持了统一性与灵活性兼顾、原则性与操作性的统一、稳定性与适时变动性的统一、数量与质量的统一。 第五章探讨了中国特色社会主义法律体系存在的主要问题、原因及完善思路。 中国特色社会主义法律体系虽已基本形成,但目前该法律体系还存在某些问题。如该法律体系建设与中国特色社会主义理论之间未达到完全契合,特别是与邓小平理论中的社会主义市场经济理论、与“三个代表”重要思想、与科学发展观等的契合程度还不够,很多法律需求在法律体系中还没有完全转化为具体的法律法规。中国特色社会主义法律体系与社会主义建设实践之间也存在着很多不同步、不和谐的地方,如某些法律法规的制定跟不上建设实践的发展步伐,立法滞后,某些不适应建设实践的新变化,立法精细化、系统化程度不高。此外,法律体系的自身协调性还有待进一步提高。 因此,完善中国特色社会主义法律体系的基本思路是:首先,在指导思想上,应进一步提高该法律体系与中国特色社会主义理论的契合程度,用中国特色社会主义理论的最新成果指导法律体系的完善与构建,即进一步加强科学发展观对法律体系建设的指导作用,这是完善该法律体系的根本出发点;其次,在具体的立法实践中进一步凸显科学化、民主化,通过继续推进立法科学化、立法民主化进程,优化中国特色社会主义法律体系,使其内容和形式两方面都更加科学、合理;最后,坚定不移地推进中国特色社会主义法律体系的创新。加强理念创新和体制创新,在认识传统法律体系及其演变规律的基础上,解放思想、与时俱进,从传统的立法理念和禁锢的思路中解放出来,树立科学的立法理念,同时进一步完善立法体制,推动法律体系的制度创新。这是加强中国特色社会主义理论指导作用和优化法律体系的客观要求,也是完善中国特色社会主义法律体系的根本保证和基本原则。 结论部分强调了论文的核心观点,该法律体系是在马克思主义法学理论和中国特色社会主义理论指导下,在中国特色社会主义建设实践基础上形成的,是伴随着改革开放伟大历史进程的推进逐步展开的。虽然目前该法律体系还存在某些方面的不足,但其开放性、包容性的特质,也决定了随着社会主义建设实践的发展,该法律体系将进一步趋于完善。
[Abstract]:This paper selects "formed the theme of" research of the socialist legal system Chinese characteristics, the unity of history and logic, interdisciplinary research, comparative research methods, the forming process of the legal system, formed the basis of systematically, and analyzes the basic characteristics of the formation path of the legal system, summed up the construction of our country the legal system of experience, discusses the existing problems and Countermeasures to improve the legal system.
The first chapter discusses the general problems of the formation of the legal system, in order to lay a theoretical foundation for the construction of the whole topic.
In this chapter, to clarify the legal system, the formation of the legal system, formation of basic concepts such as basic legal system on the systematic research on Marx's thought of legal system. Marx, Engels on the dialectical relationship between "basic legal system and economic thought, Lenin" the legal system construction is the foundation project "the construction of the socialist legal system the view provides a world outlook and methodology guidance for our understanding of the legal system. Marx and Engels about basic theory of the legal system, in Marx's Chinese process has been further developed. Mao Zedong attached great importance to the development and construction of the basic law in the legal system of the constitution". And put forward a series of principles to follow the constitution, provide guidance for the construction of the new socialist legal system; Deng Xiaoping Experience and lessons in building the legal system of our country. Since the founding of new China, and put forward a series of thoughts, ideas, theories, methods, formed a theory system about the construction of the socialist legal system, create a new period of the construction of the socialist legal system; Jiang Zemin proposed the rule of law, the basic rule of building a socialist country ruled by law "well," thought of legal system construction is the basis and premise of "the rule of law, and further promote the construction of China's legal system and perfect; Hu Jintao put forward that establishing law system is the premise and guarantee of constructing socialist harmonious society, Scientific Outlook on Development is an important guiding principle for China perfect socialist legal system. They between and keeps up with the times, they are unified in the practice of the construction of the socialist legal system. Finally this chapter analyzes the influence of law The main factors of the law system are the relationship between the legal system and the economy, the politics and the culture.
The second chapter studies the historical origin, conditions and mode selection of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, which is the basis for the formation of the legal system.
This chapter first discusses the historical origins of the formation of the legal system. The origin of the socialist legal system is the main influence Chinese characteristics of Chinese ancient legal system, the legal system of the Soviet Union and the new democratic socialist legal system. Then analyzes the formation of the socialist legal system Chinese characteristics. The condition of the socialist legal system China characteristics is the reform and opening up products. A certain stage of the great historical process of development therefore, continue to promote the cause of building socialism China characteristics is the practical basis of the formation of the legal system. In addition, the vigorous development of Marx socialist law is the legal basis for the formation of the people's Congress system is to establish and perfect the system of its formation conditions, improve legislation technology and improve is the technical support of its formation, the above factors constitute the formation of the legal system. In this chapter the most Later, it was put forward that in the aspect of the formation of the legal system, China chose the "government push" mode, which is the only way to form the legal system of the latecomer countries. It is also the inevitable way to accelerate the modernization of the legal system and the historical choice of China's national conditions.
The third chapter describes the formation track of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, which is divided into three stages.
From 1949 to 1978 to explore the stage of the legal system. New Chinese after the establishment of China's legal system through a path of development. In the new China arduous and tortuous completely destroyed the Kuomintang old law basis, according to the Marx doctrine legal theory and model of the Soviet Union created the socialist new legal system, legal system, but later destroyed the cultural revolution will be the incipient, resulting in the spread of the law nihilism. The construction of the legal system of the stage is quite profound lessons, such as a large number of legislative system from decentralization to very high concentration, simply transplant the Soviet model, and the old law "completely break", the construction of legal system is closely linked with the mass movement, specific the policy of the law to become a culture, and so on.
From 1978 to 1998 for the.1978 foundation stage of the legal system in December, the party held in the third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the construction of the legal system of our country's environment is changed. On the foundation of Deng Xiaoping theory, the establishment of socialist market economic system, the development of new socialist democracy, promote the construction of legal system in essence the development of the next period. A short period of twenty years, the construction of the legal system of our country rapid development, has made remarkable achievements, initially formed a relatively complete legal system of socialist market economy, laid a solid foundation for the formation Chinese socialist legal system.
From 1998 to 2008 for the legal system of the basic formation stages in.1997 Party's fifteen general "rule of law and building a socialist country ruled by law" was established as the basic strategy of governing the country, and put forward the overall objective of the 2010 formation of China socialist legal system ". At the turn of the century the construction of China's legal system to further optimize the environment, the theoretical system of socialism Chinese features to achieve a major breakthrough, to further improve the socialist market economic system, the development of socialist democratic politics," the rule of law and building a socialist country ruled by law "has become the basic strategy of governing the country and the consensus of the whole society, these are the characteristics of the construction of the socialist legal system China deepening has provided a broad space, to promote the construction of the legal system of our country further development.2008 in February," China law construction > white paper published, marking the China characteristics The socialist legal system has been basically formed.
The fourth chapter makes a theoretical analysis on the formation of the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of the description of the formation track in the last chapter.
This chapter first on the formation of the legal system and the history of our country's legal system and the legal system of the former Soviet Union were analyzed. The conclusion is that the socialist legal system Chinese characteristics and the history of our country legal system of independent development of the character line beyond the inherent pattern of Soviet Socialist Legal system, opened up the road the development of law China characteristics. Secondly, summarized the basic characteristics of the formation of the socialist legal system Chinese trajectory characteristics, its historical process is a dynamic construction process, its evolution structure is a process from traditional to modern, its main line formation is the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. After that, the main experience of this chapter is divided into two aspects: the Chinese characteristics of the construction of the socialist legal system. The legal system from the viewpoint of construction concept, the construction of the legal system of our country adhere to the "four A unified, unified leadership of the party and the rule of law, unified service overall and balanced, the unity of inheritance and innovation, independent development and reference of the unified legal system construction; from the operating level, the construction of China's legal system, adhere to the unity and flexibility of both unity of principle and operational stability. And the timely changes of unity, the unity of quantity and quality.
The fifth chapter discusses the main problems existing in the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the reasons and the ways to improve it.
The socialist legal system Chinese characteristics has been basically formed, but the legal system still exist some problems. Such as the theory of legal system construction and Chinese socialism were not completely fit, especially with Deng Xiaoping's theory of socialist market economy theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", and the degree of fit Scientific Outlook on Development not enough, many legal requirements in the legal system has not been completely transformed into specific laws and regulations. Between the practice of the socialist legal system and the socialist construction Chinese characteristics there is not synchronous, not harmonious place, such as the pace of development, formulate laws and regulations to keep up with the construction practice of legislation lags behind, some do not adapt to the new the changes of construction practice, legislative refinement, system level is not high. In addition, the coordination of the legal system itself has yet to be further improved.
Therefore, the basic ideas of perfecting the socialist legal system Chinese is: firstly, the guiding ideology, we should further improve the legal system and the Chinese characteristics correspond to socialist theory, and construct perfect legal system to guide the new achievements of theory of socialism with Chinese, namely, to further strengthen the guiding role of Scientific Outlook on Development legal system construction. This is the basic starting point of perfecting the legal system; secondly, to further highlight the scientific, in the legislative practice of democracy, continue to advance through the science of legislation, the legislative process of democratization, optimizing Chinese socialist legal system, the two aspects of its content and form are more scientific and reasonable; finally, innovation unswervingly to promote the socialist legal system Chinese characteristics. Strengthen the concept of innovation and system innovation, in the understanding of the traditional legal system and its evolution. The law on the basis of emancipating the mind, keep pace with the times, liberated from the traditional concept of imprisonment and legislative ideas, establish a scientific concept of legislation, and further improve the legislative system, promote the innovation of the system of the legal system. This is the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics refers to the objective requirements of strengthening the guiding role and optimize the legal system, and the basic guarantee the principle is to perfect Chinese socialist legal system.
The conclusion emphasizes the core viewpoint of this thesis, the legal system is under the guidance of Marx's theory of law theory and China socialism, formed on the basis of socialist construction practice China characteristics, is accompanied by the great historical process of reform and opening gradually. Although the legal system still has some shortcomings, but the open and inclusive nature, also decided with the development of socialist construction, the legal system will be further improved.



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