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发布时间:2018-03-29 05:29

  本文选题:信息化 切入点:实名制 出处:《中央民族大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 作为化解当代社会矛盾的新型手段之一,“实名制”于我国已经在很多行业处于实施状态中,且效果受到肯定。但是,随着社会科学技术的不断发展,社会信息化程度的不断加深,本意欲净化电信与网络环境,打击垃圾短信、手机犯罪、网络侵权等行为而设置的“手机实名制”与“网络实名制”却遭受到了众多质疑与非议,而焦点即在于通信自由权、隐私权、言论与表达自由权等公民基本权利的被限制。 本文即以社会中对“手机实名制”与“网络实名制”的质疑与非议作为出发点,力图通过深度分析寻找到这一质疑产生的原因,并以公法中的基本原则判断质疑存在的合理性,进而为化解质疑与非议的制度构建与完善提出自己的意见。 首先,本文通过对信息化社会这一“实名制”的制度背景及“手机实名制”、“网络实名制”的定义与国内外发展等基础情况进行分析,一方面尝试归纳出现代信息化语境下“实名制”的自身特点,另一方面也展示出信息化语境下“实名制”的发展趋势。 紧接着,本文将以信息化语境下“实名制”的特点为基础,归纳我国当前信息化语境下的“实名制”所遭遇的质疑与非议中涵盖的法律问题。并随后通过公法中公权力对公民权利进行限制时所必须严格遵从的三个基本原则——公益原则、法律保留原则及比例原则——作为判断标准,分析这些问题在我国当前国情与法治环境下是否客观存在,即上述质疑与非议是否具有法律上的合理性。 最后,通过对我国信息化语境下“实名制”在法律层面受到的质疑与非议产生之原因的分析,明确国外信息化语境下“实名制”蓬勃发展且效果显著与我国信息化语境下“实名制”广受阻碍与反对的矛盾所在,并提出化解这一矛盾,在我国环境下有效实行信息化语境下的“实名制”的制度构建与完善的方法。 本文的创新点一是在于题材的新颖,当前国内对“实名制”,特别对“手机实名制”与“网络实名制”进行内涵与外延的总结后形成的信息化语境下“实名制”的概念进行的研究无论在广度还是深度上均有不足;二是分析方法的新颖,将公益原则、法律保留原则及比例原则作为了我国信息化语境下“实名制”法律质疑的判断标准,将整个“实名制”的研究上升到了公民基本权利与公法间关系的高度。
[Abstract]:As one of the new ways to resolve the contemporary social contradictions, the "real name system" has been implemented in many industries in China, and its effect has been affirmed. However, with the development of social science and technology, With the deepening of social informatization, the "mobile phone real name system" and "network real name system" set up in order to purify the telecommunications and network environment, crack down on spam messages, mobile phone crimes, network infringement, etc., have been questioned and criticized by many people. The focus is on the restriction of the basic rights of citizens, such as the right to freedom of communication, the right to privacy, the right to freedom of speech and expression. In this paper, the author tries to find out the cause of the doubt by analyzing the real name system of the mobile phone and the real name system of the network. The rationality of doubt is judged by the basic principles of public law, and the author puts forward his own opinions for the system construction and perfection of resolving doubt and disapproval. First of all, this paper analyzes the background of the system of "real name system" in the information society, the definition of "real name system of mobile phone", the definition of "network real name system" and the development at home and abroad. On the one hand, it tries to sum up the characteristics of "real name system" in the context of modern information technology, on the other hand, it also shows the development trend of "real name system" in the context of information technology. Then, this paper will be based on the characteristics of "real name system" in the context of information technology. This paper sums up the questions and legal problems of the "real name system" in the context of information technology in our country, and three basic principles-the public welfare principle, which must be strictly followed when restricting the civil rights through the public power in public law, are summarized. The principle of legal reservation and the principle of proportionality are used as judgment criteria to analyze whether these problems exist objectively in the current situation of our country and in the environment of rule of law, that is, whether the above questions and disapproval have legal reasonableness. Finally, through the analysis of the reasons why the "real name system" has been questioned and criticized in the context of information technology in our country, It is clear that the "real name system" is flourishing in the context of information technology in foreign countries, and the effect is remarkable, and the contradiction between the "real name system" and the "real name system" in the context of information technology in our country is greatly hindered and opposed, and it is proposed to resolve this contradiction. The method of constructing and perfecting the system of "real name system" in the context of information technology is put into effect in our country. The innovation of this paper lies in the novelty of the subject matter. At present, domestic research on the concept of "real name system", especially on the connotation and extension of "mobile phone real name system" and "network real name system", in the context of information technology, is insufficient in both breadth and depth. The second is the novelty of the analytical method. The principle of public welfare, the principle of legal reservation and the principle of proportion are taken as the judgment standard of the legal challenge of "real name system" in the context of information technology in our country. The whole study of "real name system" has been raised to the level of the relationship between the basic rights of citizens and public law.


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