本文选题:中国近现代史 切入点:法律翻译 出处:《西南政法大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 中国的近现代历史,即从晚清时期到当代,是一段纷繁复杂却又特色鲜明的历史,是在不断发展和变化的历史。在这段特殊的历史时期内,中国社会的方方面面,如文学,艺术,科学等等,都在不断发生变化的同时展现出各自的特点。因此,这段历史也为学术研究提供了的丰富和珍贵的史实和材料。同样地,在这段历史中,法律翻译学也经历了深切的变革和发展。 中国的近现代史大致可分为五个阶段,分别是:鸦片战争时期;洋务运动时期;变法维新时期;新中国的建立到文化大革命前这一时期和当代。在这五个历史时期中,法律翻译活动均呈现出了特点鲜明的特点。在鸦片战争时期,中国由于闭关锁国,割断了与外国的往来,在鸦片战争失败以后,大量传教士涌入我国,此时的法律翻译活动大多由西方的传教士完成,而本土的法律翻译活动则是凤毛麟角。在洋务运动时期,中国本土的法律翻译活动开始崭露头角,但是由于经济和法律制度极度落后,法律翻译发展及其缓慢。在变法维新时期,法律翻译活动达到了高潮并为变法维新作出了不可磨灭的贡献。在新中国成立后到文化大革命之前,中国的法律翻译活动主要集中于苏联的法律体系和法律文本,并且翻译活动和理论研究活动受到了意识形态划分的极大干扰。在当代,社会更加开化,思想更加自由,经济更加发展,政治更加清明,在这样的大环境下,法律翻译活动,包括理论研究活动,达到了空前繁荣的局面。在各个历史时期法律翻译活动呈现出的千姿百态背后,是一系列因素的干扰和限制,例如政治和经济条件,文明开化程度,语言学和法学理论的发展,学术期刊的发行,和国际间的交流程度。这些因素一起构成了一个综合的,影响法律翻译发展的环境。 本文即以历史记录为依据,着力于研究在中国近现代史的各个时期内法律翻译的发展状况和体现出的特点,以期能找到法律翻译活动在历史潮流中所体现出的本质特点和制约其发展的环境因素,例如社会环境,学术氛围,学术领军人物等。希望本文的研究能对当代法律翻译的发展有所提示和助益。
[Abstract]:The modern and modern history of China, from the late Qing Dynasty to the present era, is a complicated and distinctive history, a history of continuous development and change. During this special period of history, all aspects of Chinese society, such as literature, Art, science, etc., all show their own characteristics while changing. Therefore, this period of history also provides rich and precious historical facts and materials for academic research. Similarly, in this period of history, Legal translation has also undergone profound changes and development. The modern history of China can be roughly divided into five stages: the Opium War period, the Westernization Movement period, the Reform and Reform period, the period from the founding of New China to the period before the Cultural Revolution and the contemporary period. In these five historical periods, During the Opium War, China cut off its contacts with foreign countries because of its closeness to the outside world. After the defeat of the Opium War, a large number of missionaries poured into our country. At this time, most of the legal translation activities were completed by western missionaries, while the local legal translation activities were rare. During the Westernization Movement, the local legal translation activities began to emerge. However, due to the extreme backwardness of the economic and legal systems, the development of legal translation is extremely slow. Legal translation reached its climax and made an indelible contribution to the reform of law reform. After the founding of New China and before the Cultural Revolution, the legal translation activities in China mainly concentrated on the legal system and legal texts of the Soviet Union. And translation activities and theoretical research activities have been greatly disturbed by the ideological division. In contemporary times, the society is more civilized, thought freer, economy more developed, politics more Pure Brightness. In such a big environment, legal translation activities, Including theoretical research activities, which have reached an unprecedented prosperity. Behind the diversity of legal translation activities in various historical periods is the interference and limitation of a series of factors, such as political and economic conditions, and the degree of civilization and civilization. The development of linguistic and legal theories, the publication of academic journals, and the degree of international communication constitute a comprehensive environment that affects the development of legal translation. Based on the historical records, this paper focuses on the development and characteristics of legal translation in various periods of modern Chinese history. The aim is to find out the essential characteristics of legal translation in the historical trend and the environmental factors that restrict its development, such as social environment and academic atmosphere. It is hoped that this study will be helpful to the development of contemporary legal translation.
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