本文选题:五代 切入点:司法体制 出处:《西南政法大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 五代时期,是我国历史上少有的分裂动乱时期之一。伴随着藩镇割据,政治权力解体,其司法状况的混乱与黑暗也是必然的,这也成为了在论述到五代时期司法状况的通常说法。应当说这样的概括是五代时期司法状况的真实描述,但进行此种描述后我们缺少的是对于当时真实运行状况的微观考察,以及对以后司法制度流变的深入思考。面对当时司法混乱的状况,五代时期当政者进行了改革并收到了一定的效果,更重要的是它改变了唐朝末年以来司法审判秩序的失控,为宋朝的中央集权的司法体系的建立奠定了基础。因此对五代时期司法体制的考察还是很有意义的,通过梳理可以看到司法体制从唐朝到宋朝的过渡与演变,这也是本文的写作目的之所在。本文主要考察五代时期从中央到地方司法机关的设置,人员构成,职能划分,运行状况。同时梳理其中的演化过程,形成的特点以及对于后世的影响。 本文主要分为四个部分。第一部分论述五代时期的中央司法机关的设置,人员构成以及相关职能。主要突出五代时期中央司法权通过政策调整,加强中央司法集权的过程。其中考察了其具体的制度设置,如大理寺重新设置议狱堂,加强审判制度的建设,规范法律的适用;刑部强调对于地方死刑案件的复核权;御史台在原有的法律监督功能之外,又扩充了其职能范围。皇帝则通过虑囚、会审等方式加大了控制司法的力度。 第二部分论述五代时期的地方司法机关。在五代时期藩镇割据的状况之下,地方司法机关的运行受到严重的影响,司法人员由武夫将校出任,司法权受到侵夺。因此五代时期统治者在逐步削平藩镇的过程中,试图重新建立中央司法权与州县司法权的连接,为此采取了种种措施,以便加强中央集权。 第三部分论述五代时期的军事司法机关。五代时期司法体制的突出特点在于军事司法机关的重要地位,中央有侍卫司狱、军巡院,地方则有马步院,子城狱、巡检司等,同时节度使、观察使对于司法的影响也是巨大的。从中我们可以看到军事因素在五代司法体制中的体现,以及军事司法机关在五代时期的重要影响。 第四部分是五代时期司法体制特点的总结与启示。如五代时期司法机关的设置以及人员构成具有浓重的军事背景;五代时期中央开启司法集权的历程;五代时期两套司法机关的博弈与渗透。并且从中总结出对于后世的启示。
[Abstract]:The Five Dynasties, is one of China's rare in the history of the separatist unrest period. Along with the military governorship of political power, the disintegration of the judicial status of chaos and darkness is inevitable, it has also become a normal way in the discussion to the judiciary of the Five Dynasties period. It should be said that this sum is the true description of the Five Dynasties of justice the situation, but the description we lack is for microscopic examination at real operation condition, and the judicial system development after the in-depth reflection. At that time of judicial confusion, in the Five Dynasties were reformed and received a certain effect, it is more important to change the order of judicial out of control since the late Tang Dynasty, laid the foundation for the establishment of the centralized judicial system. So the investigation of the Five Dynasties of the judicial system of great significance, through combing can see The judicial system from the Tang Dynasty to the transition and evolution of Song Dynasty, which is also the purpose of writing this thesis. This paper mainly studies the Five Dynasties from the central to the local judicial organ setting, composition, function, operation condition. At the same time combing the evolution process of the formation, characteristics and influence on the later.
This paper is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the Five Dynasties of the central judicial organ set-up, personnel structure and related functions. The main highlight the Five Dynasties of central judicial power through policy adjustment, strengthen the judicial centralization process. Which examines the specific institutional settings, such as the Dali Temple re set the proposed prison together and strengthen the judicial system, standardize the application of the law; criminal department emphasizes review right of death penalty cases for local Yushitai; in addition to the original function of legal supervision, and expand the scope of its functions. The emperor can consider prisoners, review and other ways to increase the judicial control efforts.
The second part discusses the local judiciary of the Five Dynasties period. Five Dynasties period under the military governorship, seriously affected the local operation of the judiciary, judicial officers appointed by the military judicial power by Beowulf, hijacking. So the Five Dynasties rulers in the process of gradually level military governors in the connection attempt to re-establish the central judicial power and county jurisdiction, therefore has taken various measures to strengthen the centralization of power.
The third part discusses the military judiciary of the Five Dynasties period. Prominent features of the five generation period of the judicial system is the important position of the military judicial organs, the central prison guards division, army patrol academy, where a horse hospital, the city jail, Xunjiansi, and Jiedushi, observation to justice from the impact is huge. We can see reflected in the five generation military factors in the judicial system, and the military judicial organs in the important influence of the Five Dynasties period.
The fourth part is the summary and Enlightenment of judicial system in the Five Dynasties period. Such as the five generation period of the settings and composition of the judiciary has a strong military background; the five generation period of central opening process of judicial centralization; game and penetration of the Five Dynasties and two sets of judicial organs. Out of inspiration for future generations.
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