本文选题:建国初期 切入点:董必武 出处:《湖南师范大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 在建国初期党的政策占主导地位的特殊历史背景下,董必武以马克思主义法制观为指导对如何建设我国法制进行了坚持不懈地探索。纵览我国法制建设的历程,建国初期董必武法制思想既具有十分重要的理论价值,也具有十分重大的实践意义。 本论文以关于董必武法制思想的历史文献和史料为依据,以建国初期法制实践为基础,以马克思主义法制理论与建国初期具体法制实践的结合为准绳,比较深入地挖掘建国初期董必武法制思想形成的条件,并深刻揭示其基本内涵、理论价值与实践意义。 建国初期董必武法制思想形成的条件具有多元性,既有领导型革命党向领导型执政党转型的时代背景,又有马列原理与西方法制思想的交互影响的理论前提,更有董必武从建国前小试牛刀到建国后大显身手的实践基础。 董必武紧紧围绕依法办事这个核心问题,从立法、执法、司法、守法和法律人才培养等方面展开论述,形成了一套较为系统、完整的法制思想体系。即:“依法办事,是我们进一步加强人民民主法制的中心环节”;“信法”与“守法”;“有了法,还必须有具备起码的法律科学知识的人去运用”;“要重视司法工作”。 建国初期董必武法制思想是董必武将马克思主义法律学说与中国革命和建设实践相结合的产物,是建国初期董必武法制实践的理论总结,具有重大的理论和实践价值:不仅丰富了毛泽东思想的法学理论宝库、推进了建国初期人民民主法制建设,而且是“依法治国”方略的重要理论渊源和“依法执政”理念的重要思想来源。 本论文主要采用的研究方法包括:文献资料法、逻辑分析法。
[Abstract]:Under the special historical background that the Party's policy was dominant in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, Dong Biwu made an unremitting exploration on how to build our country's legal system under the guidance of Marxist legal system.In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, Dong Biwu's thought of legal system has not only very important theoretical value, but also great practical significance.The formation conditions of Dong Biwu's legal thought in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China are deeply explored, and its basic connotation, theoretical value and practical significance are deeply revealed.In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, Dong Biwu's legal thought was formed under various conditions, which included the background of the transition from the leading revolutionary party to the leading ruling party, and the theoretical premise of the interaction between the Marxist-Leninist principle and the western legal ideology.Dong Biwu from before the founding of the small trial knife to after the founding of the practice of the foundation.Focusing on the core issue of handling affairs according to law, Dong Biwu discussed from the aspects of legislation, law enforcement, judicature, law-abiding and training of legal talents, and formed a relatively systematic and complete legal thought system.That is, "handling affairs according to law is the central link for us to further strengthen the people's democracy and legal system;" "to believe in the law" and "to abide by the law"; "to have laws, we must also have people with minimum legal scientific knowledge to use them;" and "to attach importance to judicial work."Dong Biwu's legal thought in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China was the result of the combination of the Marxist legal theory with the Chinese revolution and construction practice, and the theoretical summary of the legal practice of Dong Biwu in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China.It is of great theoretical and practical value: it has not only enriched the treasure trove of legal theory of Mao Zedong's thought, but also advanced the construction of people's democracy and legal system in the early years of founding the people's Republic of China.Moreover, it is the important theoretical origin of "ruling the country according to law" and the important ideological source of "ruling by law".The main research methods used in this paper include: literature method, logical analysis method.
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