发布时间:2018-04-28 02:37
本文选题:招供 + 刑讯 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2009年博士论文
【摘要】: 自清末修律以来,中国从西方国家移植了新的法律体系,并在借鉴大陆法系和英美法系模式和经验的基础,正在逐步构建中国的证据法学制度体系。按照西方国家模式引进的证据制度正面临着本土资源对其异质“基因”的排斥而引发的深刻危机。学界在反思清末修律以来法学发展之“得与失”的同时,也在试图从传统的法律文化中寻找解决危机的“改革方案”。但是“在中国传统的诉讼文化中,证据文化尤为薄弱且受到极大的扭曲和戕害,缺乏系统的证据规则”的背景下,探讨中国传统文化下的证据制度就显得步履艰难却意义非凡。 本文研究清代的证据制度,主要以诉讼为视角,从清代律例典章、各司法衙门的诉讼档案、官吏和幕友们的判牍、官箴、笔记、随笔中去探寻诉讼中的各类证据,试图阐述各类证据的表现形式、特点以及如何被收集、固定、审查判断和运用于具体的案件之中。 文章首先介绍了清代主要的司法衙门、不同群体的诉讼参与人及刑事诉讼程序,其意在为证据制度的研究提供一个背景知识。因为清代没有独立的司法审判机构,其司法审判权分别由不同的衙门执掌,在中央一级主要由刑部、都察院、大理寺组成的“三法司”负责,而地方则分别归省(直隶)、府(直隶州、直隶厅)、县(州、厅)三级衙门执掌。虽然中央和地方的许多衙门都享有司法审判权,而县以上各级衙门依照权限主要负责徒罪以上案件的覆审程序。至于诉讼参与人群体的划分,纯粹是依群体的社会身份而定。因律例明确规定一些特殊身份的诉讼群体在诉讼中享有司法特权,其身份的存在可以影响到其提供供词的效力、甚至是罪名的成立和具体适用的罪名。为此,第二章专门介绍了官员、生监、旗人、雇工人、奴婢和妇女等特殊群体的构成及诉讼中的地位等内容。第三章则分别介绍刑事案件的初审程序和审转程序、民事案件的审理程序。 在文章的中间部分,通过史料的分析和整理,将清代证据划分成原告之供、被告之供、干证及牌甲首领等人之供、勘丈记录、书证、物证、检验报告等类型,并试图勾画出每一类型证据的表现形式、分类和特点。 在文章的最后部分,通过清代各司法衙门诉讼档案的解读,探讨各类供词、物证、勘查记录、检验报告的收集程序与方法。随后,总结了清代司法过程中司法长官认定案情应当遵循的几个主要原则,如遵循伦理原则、据供定案原则、兼顾情理原则、疑罪惟轻原则。进而运用具体的诉讼案例说明各类证据是如何运用事实认定之中的。 总结前文,作者在结论中分析与评价清代证据制度的得与失,并试图从传统法律制度中汲取改革之动力支持。
[Abstract]:Since the end of the Qing Dynasty , China has transplanted a new legal system from western countries , and is gradually building the system of evidence law system in China on the basis of reference to continental law system and Anglo - American law system model and experience .
This paper deals with the evidence system of Qing Dynasty , mainly from the perspective of litigation , from the statutes of Qing Dynasty , the lawsuit file of each judicial Yamen , the verdict of official and the staff , the official pro , the note and the pen to explore all kinds of evidence in the proceedings , try to expound the form , characteristics and how to be collected , fixed , reviewed and judged and applied in the specific cases .
This paper first introduces the main judicial Yamen , different groups and criminal procedure in Qing Dynasty . It is intended to provide a background knowledge for the study of the evidence system .
In the middle part of the article , through the analysis and arrangement of the historical materials , the evidence of the Qing Dynasty is divided into the confession of the plaintiff , the confession of the defendant , the supply of the certificate and the chief of the board , the record of the survey , the certificate , the evidence , the inspection report and the like , and attempts to delineate the manifestation , classification and characteristics of each type of evidence .
In the last part of the article , through the interpretation of judicial Yamen ' s lawsuit files in Qing Dynasty , the author probes into the collection procedure and method of various kinds of confession , material evidence , investigation records and inspection reports . Then , the author summarizes the main principles that the judicial chief in the course of the Qing Dynasty determines the merits .
In conclusion , the author analyzes and evaluates the gain and loss of the evidence system of the Qing Dynasty , and attempts to draw the dynamic support of the reform from the traditional legal system .
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