本文选题:近代银行 + 资本组织法律制度 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2009年博士论文
【摘要】: 19世纪开始,人类迈入了“四海一家”的时代,“华夷隔绝之天下,成为中外会通之天下。”’鸦片战争陷中国于百年屈辱之境地的同时,“西人以利为先”的思想也启蒙了国人的重商主义。国人意识到“惟有利而后能知义,惟有利而后可以获利。”2“惟利、获利”的动机促使西方金融理论被引入近代中国,并作为“振兴商务”的理论基础,得以广泛传播。外商在华银行所获巨额之利,也驱使国人自省票号、钱庄等传统金融机构的落后与不足。在这些因素的合力作用下,国人开始转向新式银行的建设。1897年第一家新式银行一中国通商银行成立。由此,揭开了中国银行业建设的大幕。 在银行业领域规范化、金融市场成熟化的进程中,鉴于市场机制的缺陷,人们呼唤国家实行金融监管,以法律手段弥补市场规则的不足。基于此,清政府启动了银行的立法建制。“光绪三十四年(1908年)正月十六日颁布《银行通行则例》,此为吾国有银行法之始”。3“1947年的《银行法》代表了近代银行立法的最高水平”4。 在近四十年的立法进程中,历届政府主观上都曾尝试建立一个既吸收世界最新法制成果,又符合本国国情的银行法体系,并为之付出了努力。但动荡的政治局势、阶级利益的对立、立法与本土资源的脱节等因素限制了银行法的实施绩效。 本文对近代银行组织法律制度加以梳理,从资本组织法律制度、内部组织法律制度、分支行法律制度三个层面,对银行法的内容、立法意义、立法缺陷、实施绩效等问题尝试解析。并将银行的资本构成及产权演变、内部治理机制、分支行设置与监管等法律问题纳入考察视野,试图概括、归纳近代银行组织法律制度的发展脉络与基本特征。 文章分为导论、正文、结语三个部分: 导论,介绍了论文的选题缘由,回顾近现代银行法制研究的成绩与不足,阐述研究脉络与探索创新之处。最后,针对文中“银行组织法律制度”、“银行法”等概念做出界定,以便使研究规范化。 第一章,中国近代银行组织的建立。本章从社会历史变革的角度,介绍了转型时期近代中国金融业的状况、银行组织建设思想,为近代银行法制研究做好背景铺垫。近代以前,中国曾出现过数量繁多、名称各异的信用机构,如泉府、质库、票号、钱庄等。而这些机构与西方资本主义信用机构银行有着本质区别。随着近代自然经济的解体,票号因组织形式、经营机制等缺陷,无法适应外部环境而消亡。钱庄则因与时俱进地改变了经营及组织制度,获得了新发展。这一时期,在中国势力较大的金融机构是外商银行。外商银行为了配合列强政治、经济侵略的需要,进入中国。其助长了外国商品和资本的输入,对中国经济造成了巨大危害。但同时也带来了以股份公司制为主体的银行制度,为本国银行的设立做了示范。在国人千呼万唤声中,本国银行姗姗而来,并后来居上,与钱庄、外商银行并立为近代三大金融机构。 本国银行的兴起是各种因素合力作用的结果,如自然经济的瓦解、民族资本工业的创建及外商银行的刺激。此外,还有一个不可忽视的因素,即银行理论、银行建设思想的传播。知识分子严复、谢霖、李徽通过著书立说,阐述了如何建设以股份制为核心的资本组织制度。他们一致认为,股份公司制是最佳的资本组织形式;在内部组织建设方面,清末官员鹿传霖、银行家陈光甫等人贡献了自己的智慧。他们在内部治理机制、管理制度等方面做了论述;就如何建立和完善分支行制度,清末官员盛宣怀,银行家程本固、周作民等认为,以实际经济需要为基点,以事权集中制或统帐制的方式合理设置分支行。 第二章,中国近代银行组织之立法。本章主要内容为七个部分,以阶段论的观点,论述了近代中国银行组织立法的产生、推广及强化的演变过程。并围绕银行组织立法的法律渊源、资本组织的立法演进、内部组织的立法演进、分支行的立法演进、组织法律制度与习惯法的冲突等问题展开探讨,最后从立法意义、立法特色、立法缺陷等方面对近代银行组织法制进行评议。近代银行法经过清末的初创,民国时期的发展完善,以1947年《银行法》为标志,形成了兼具英美与大陆法系特征,独具中国特色的银行法体系。其引入了股份公司制的资本组织制度、三权制衡的内部治理制度、总分行制度等新金融制度,实现了制度创新。同时,银行法丰富了近代民商法的内容,有利于打破“以刑为主”的一元法律传统,推进司法、公法并存的二元法律制度建设。但因各种因素的制约,近代银行法存在着诸多不足,如法律概念不规范、立法内容互相抵触、立法思想与实践脱节、司法困难等。 第三章,资本组织法律制度。本章至第五章探讨银行具体组织法律制度。本章内容主要为四个部分。第一节,近代中国银行资本组织制度的引入与展开。简要回顾了股份公司制在西方产生并适用于银行业的历史,阐述了近代中国银行业引入与普及这一先进制度的过程;第二节,官商合股银行之资本组织:中国银行个案研究。通过中国银行官商股份的变化、资本组织建设的历程,考察官商合股银行在争取产权独立、制度创新方面所付出的努力与探索;第三节,私人股份银行之资本组织制度。以通商银行、上海商业储蓄银行为个案,分析官僚军阀为主体、民族资产阶级为主体的银行在资本构成、股权结构上的不同,说明股权结构化对改善银行经营效率的作用;第四节,资本组织制度的创新。此节归纳近代银行在资本组织方面的创新之处。 第四章,内部组织法律制度。本章以四节篇幅,从权力机构、执行机构、内部管理、内部组织的创新等方面,解析近代银行内部组织法律制度。第一节,权力机构。主要介绍近代银行股东与股东会,董事、董事会与监察人的构成及特征。通过对金城银行、浙江实业银行章程的分析,了解近代银行股东会的类型、召开及职权,董监会的组成、人员结构等;第二节,执行机构。主要介绍总管理处及分支机构的内部组织机构,探求内部组织三权机构的设置、运作;第三节,内部管理制度。本节从职员的录用提拔、收入待遇、奖惩作息三个方面,介绍了近代银行人事管理制度。最后一节,内部组织制度的创新。该部分从内部组织机构的优化、人事管理的人性化及内部激励机制三个方面,总结了近代银行内部制度的创新之处。 第五章,分支行法律制度。本章内容分为三个部分。第一节,分支行概述。主要阐述银行组织形式的类型、分支行在中国银行业的适用与普及。单一制与分支行制作为主要的两种制度,各有优劣。基于经济、传统因素的影响,近代中国银行采用的是分支行制度。并以浙江地方实业银行为例,具体介绍了分支行制度在近代银行业的确立过程;第二节,分支机构之设置原则。该节介绍了近代银行在国内、海外分支机构设置所依据的原则;第三节,分支机构之监管。本节依据国民政府时期法令、法规,着重考察抗日战争后,分支机构的设置与政府的监管措施。并对监管方式-现场检查与非现场检查进行介绍。 第六章,归纳与设想。本章以前面的论述为基础,归纳总结中国近代银行组织法律制度的特点及其影响,并从中借鉴经验,构想当今银行体制改革的途径与方法。主要内容为三节。第一节,中国近代银行组织制度的现代化。以传统金融机构为参照,运用比较分析法,阐述在组织制度方面,近代银行具有不可比拟的生命力与活力,故能取而代之;第二节,中国近代银行组织制度的本土特色。移植至中国土壤的银行制度,呈现出异于西方银行制度的一些特色:官商合股的股份制、“官利”股息分配制,政府过度干预的公司治理机制;第三节,近代银行组织法律制度的影响及启示。影响主要为促进近代银行业的发展、壮大民族产业、约束了新中国银行制度的构建。近代银行立法模式,给当今银行法制建设以启示,我们可以参考在商业银行法之外,另订专门银行法,以弥补我国政策性银行的立法缺失。此外,还可以借鉴近代监管立法,构建统一标准的外资银行经营行为的法律制度,以修正我国“内外有别”的监管制度。最后,注重国情与借鉴外国立法经验的结合,正确处理立法的“国际化”与“本土化”,也是历史给予的启示。 最后,文章在结语中指出,我国银行法现代化的逻辑轨迹:以移植为途径、国际化和本土化为目标,体现了金融创新与法律变革的互动。该部分结合法律经济学、法文化学等基本理论,阐述国际化以法律移植为途径的可能性与必然性,及实现方式;分析中国传统观念、商事习惯对银行法的冲击及本土化表现;试图就新时期金融创新法律制度的构建,提出若干建议。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of nineteenth Century, human beings have entered the era of "one of the four seas and the same". "The world of the Chinese and foreign countries is isolated and the world has become the world." while the Opium War has fallen into the humiliation of a hundred years of humiliation in China, the thought of "the west is the first" also enlightened the mercantilism of the Chinese. The motivation of 2 "profit and profit" prompted western financial theory to be introduced into modern China, and it was widely spread as the theoretical basis of "revitalizing business". The huge profits obtained by foreign banks in China also drove the backwardness and shortage of traditional financial institutions such as national introspection and money, and under the synergy of these factors, Chinese people began to turn to the construction of new banks. The first new bank in.1897, the establishment of China Merchants Bank, opened the curtain of China's banking industry.
In the process of standardization in the field of banking and the maturity of the financial market, in view of the defects of the market mechanism, people call for the state to carry out financial supervision and make up for the lack of market rules by law. Based on this, the Qing government has started the legislative system of the bank. "Thirty-four years of Guangxu (1908), on the sixteen day of the first month of the first month, the bank passed the example. .3 "the 1947 Banking Act represents the highest level of modern banking legislation" 4.
In the last forty years of the legislative process, all the governments have tried to establish a banking law system that not only absorbed the latest legal achievements of the world, but also accords with the national conditions of the country. However, the political situation, the opposition of class interests and the disconnection between legislation and local resources have restricted the performance of the bank law.
In this paper, the legal system of modern banking organization is combed, from three aspects, the legal system of capital organization, the legal system of internal organization, and the legal system of branch line. It tries to analyze the contents, legislative meaning, legislative defects and performance of the bank law. With supervision and other legal issues into the field of vision, it attempts to summarize and summarize the development skeleton and basic characteristics of modern banking organization legal system.
The article is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.
The introduction introduces the reasons for the topic of the paper, reviews the achievements and shortcomings of the research on the legal system of modern banks, expounds the research context and innovation. Finally, it defines the concept of "the legal system of bank organization" and "Bank Law" in order to standardize the research.
The first chapter is the establishment of modern banking organization in China. From the angle of social and historical change, this chapter introduces the state of modern China's financial industry in the transition period, the thought of bank organization construction, and paves the way for the background of the research on the modern banking legal system. Before modern times, there had been numerous and numerous credit institutions, such as the Quan Fu, the quality bank, and the ticket number. There are essential differences between these institutions and the western capitalist credit institution banks. With the disintegration of the modern natural economy, the ticket number is unable to adapt to the external environment, because of the defects of the organization form and management mechanism. The bank has changed the management and organization system and gained new development because of the progress of the times. The strong financial institutions are foreign banks. Foreign banks have entered China in order to cooperate with the political and economic aggression of the powers. It has contributed to the import of foreign goods and capital and caused great harm to the Chinese economy. But at the same time, it has also brought a bank system based on shareholding company system, which has made a demonstration for the establishment of domestic banks. In the voice of thousands of people, domestic banks came back from behind and came together with banks and foreign banks to become the three largest financial institutions in modern times.
The rise of domestic banks is the result of the combination of various factors, such as the disintegration of the natural economy, the creation of national capital industry and the stimulation of foreign banks. In addition, there is a factor that can not be ignored, namely, the theory of bank and the dissemination of the thought of Bank construction. The intellectual Yan Fu, Xie Lin, Li Hui, through the writing of books, expounded how to build the stock. They agree that the shareholding company system is the best form of capital organization; in the internal organization construction, the late Qing officials Lu Chuanlin and the banker Chen Guangfu have contributed their own wisdom. They have discussed the internal governance mechanism, the management system and so on; and how to establish and improve their branches. The line system, the late Qing official Sheng Xuanhuai, banker Cheng bun, Zhou Zuomin and so on, think that the base point is the actual economic needs, and the branch line is set up by the way of centralized or unified account system.
The second chapter is the legislation of the bank organization in modern China. The main contents of this chapter are seven parts. In the view of stage theory, this chapter discusses the evolution process of the emergence, promotion and strengthening of the bank organization legislation in modern China. It also revolves around the legal origin of the bank organization legislation, the legislative evolution of the capital organization, the legislative evolution of the internal organization, and the legislation of the branch. The evolution, the conflicts between the legal system and the customary law are discussed. Finally, the legal system of the modern banking organization is evaluated from the legislative significance, the legislative characteristics and the legislative defects. The modern banking law developed and perfected in the period of the Republic of China in the period of the late Qing Dynasty, marked by the "silver line" in 1947, and formed a combination of Anglo American and continental legal system. The bank law system with unique Chinese characteristics has introduced the capital organization system of the shareholding company system, the internal governance system of three powers balance, the new financial system, such as the general branch system and so on. At the same time, the banking law enriches the content of modern civil and commercial law, and helps to break the "punishment based" one yuan legal tradition and promote the judicature. The construction of the two yuan legal system coexisted between public law and law. However, because of various factors, there are many shortcomings in the modern banking law, such as the non standard concept of the law, the conflicting legislation content, the disconnection of the legislative thought and practice, the judicial difficulty and so on.
The third chapter, the legal system of capital organization. This chapter to the fifth chapter discusses the legal system of the concrete organization of the bank. The content of this chapter is mainly four parts. The first section, the introduction and expansion of the modern Chinese bank capital organization system, briefly reviews the history of the joint stock company system in the West and applies to the silver industry, and expounds the banking industry in modern China. The process of entering and popularizing this advanced system; the second section, the capital organization of the joint stock bank of the government and businessmen: the case study of the Bank of China. Through the change of the Chinese bank's official and merchant shares and the course of the construction of the capital organization, the efforts and exploration of the joint stock bank of the government and businessmen in the aspects of the independence of property rights and the system innovation are examined; the third section, the private stock The capital organization system of the bank, taking the commercial bank and the Shanghai commercial savings bank as the case, analyzing the bureaucratic warlords as the main body, and the difference in the capital composition and the ownership structure of the national bourgeoisie, illustrates the role of the stock ownership structure to improve the efficiency of the bank management; the fourth section, the innovation of the capital organization system. The bank's innovation in capital organization.
The fourth chapter, the internal organization of the legal system. This chapter, with the four section, from the power institutions, executive institutions, internal management, internal organization innovation, and other aspects, the analysis of the modern bank internal organization legal system. First section, the authority. The main introduction of modern bank shareholders and shareholders, directors, the board of directors and supervisors of the Constitution and characteristics. Through the gold City bank, Zhejiang Industrial Bank of the constitution of the analysis, understand the types of modern bank shareholders, convening and power, the composition of Dong Jian, the structure of personnel, and so on; the second section, the executive agency, mainly introduce the internal organization of the general management and branch, the internal organization of the three rights institutions, operation; third, internal management system. From the three aspects of employee's employment promotion, income treatment and reward and punishment, the article introduces the modern bank personnel management system. The last section, the innovation of the internal organization system, summarizes the innovation of the internal system in modern banks from the three aspects of the optimization of the internal organization, the humanization of personnel management and the internal incentive mechanism.
The fifth chapter, branch line legal system. The content of this chapter is divided into three parts. The first section, the outline of branch lines. It mainly expounds the type of the bank organization form, the application and popularization of the branch bank in the Chinese banking industry. The single system and the branch line system are the two main systems, each has its advantages and disadvantages. In the case of Zhejiang local industrial bank, and taking the local Industrial Bank of Zhejiang as an example, it introduces the establishment process of the branch line system in the modern banking industry, and the principle of setting up the branch organization. This section introduces the principles of the modern banks in China, the establishment of the overseas branches, the third section, the supervision of the branch institutions. This section is based on the civil affairs. The decrees and regulations of the government period, and the emphasis on the investigation of the Anti Japanese War, the establishment of the branches and the government's supervision measures, and the introduction of the supervision mode - field inspection and non - field inspection.
The sixth chapter is summarized and conceived. Based on the previous discussion, this chapter sums up the characteristics and influence of the legal system of modern banking organization in China, and draws lessons from the experience to conceive the ways and methods of the reform of the current banking system. The main content is the three section. The first section, the modernization of the modern banking organization system in China. On the basis of comparative analysis, the author uses the comparative analysis method to explain that in the organization system, the modern bank has unparalleled vitality and vitality, so it can be replaced, and the second section, the local characteristics of the modern banking organization system in China. The bank system transplanted to the Chinese soil shows some characteristics different from the western banking system: the shares of the joint stock of official business. The third section, the influence and Enlightenment of the legal system of modern banking organization, is mainly to promote the development of modern banking, strengthen the national industry and constrain the construction of the new China banking system. The modern bank legislative model gives inspiration to the construction of the bank legal system. We can refer to the commercial bank law and separate the special bank law to make up for the lack of legislation in China's policy banks. In addition, we can also draw on modern regulatory legislation to build a unified standard of the legal system of the operation of foreign banks, in order to amend our country's "internal and external" regulatory system. Finally, pay attention to the national conditions and draw lessons from foreign countries. The combination of legislative experience and proper handling of the internationalization and localization of legislation is also the inspiration given by history.
Finally, in the conclusion, the article points out that the logical path of the modernization of China's banking law is the goal of transplantation, internationalization and localization, which embodies the interaction between financial innovation and legal change. This part combines the basic theories of legal economics and French chemistry, and expounds the possibility and necessity of the way of international law transplantation. In this way, we analyze the traditional Chinese concept, the impact of business customs on the bank law and its localization, and try to put forward some suggestions on the construction of the legal system of financial innovation in the new period.
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