本文选题:《新月》 + 胡适 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 胡适在《新月》时期的自由主义宪政思想,对于当代学术与社会实践都富有积极的启示意义。本文力图围绕主题,客观、完整的还原胡适在《新月》时期的宪政思想,给与中肯的评价。本文分为四章,第一章由三部分组成,第一部分展现了新月时期的中国现状和胡适面临的两难境地,面对纷乱的政治环境,胡适暂居上海,发表演讲,组织平社活动,最突出的就是在《新月》杂志上发表政论;第二部分着力介绍了《新月》杂志的产生以及由文艺杂志向政治杂志的定位转变;第三部分展现其人权观、民主政治、言论自由思想的渊源。第二章开始深层剖析胡适《新月》的自由主义宪政思想,其中包括保障人权思想、民主政治、言论自由等方面,首先针对国民政府形式意义上的“保障人权令”发表《人权与约法》一文进行批判,强调只有法治才能保障人权,立宪法约束政府权限;接着对孙中山先生的建国大纲和“知难行易”学说进行反对的同时表述自己对宪法与训政不能同在的质疑,认为制定宪法是首要之事,多接纳知识分子的意见,这才是实现民主的开始;最后以《新文化运动与国民党》一文为引子,揭示国民党的极端保守主义,阻碍思想自由,在其他多篇政论文章中表达自己对言论自由的渴望,呼吁人权中最基本的言论自由权利。第三章从比较的角度来研究评价胡适的《新月》宪政思想,首先将《新月》时期胡适与张君劢的人权思想作比较,从自由主义谱系,对待国民政府的专政态度论点以及人民是否应当参与政治等问题入手详细说明;接着又将胡适该时期的自由主义宪政思想与曾琦的国家主义宪政思想从精神支撑、对外态度、如何实现、对异己的态度等方面作出比较,使我们能够更加深刻地了解胡适《新月》时期宪政思想。文章的最后一部分评价胡适在《新月》时期的自由主义宪政思想,对当时社会所产生的社会影响,与前期思想的进步处与消极处一一比对,胡适的《新月》自由主义宪政思想在今天看来,积极的意义也更大,更值得我们的学习。
[Abstract]:Hu Shi's liberal constitutional thought in the New Moon period has positive implications for both contemporary academic and social practice. This paper tries to give a fair evaluation of Hu Shi's constitutional thought in the New Moon period. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter consists of three parts. The first part shows the current situation of China during the new moon period and the dilemma faced by Hu Shi. In the face of the chaotic political environment, Hu Shi temporarily lives in Shanghai, gives speeches, organizes social activities. The most prominent is the publication of political discourse in the magazine "New Moon"; the second part focuses on the emergence of the magazine and the shift from literature and art magazine to political magazine; the third part shows its view of human rights and democratic politics. The origin of freedom of speech. The second chapter begins to analyze deeply the liberal constitutional thought of Hu Shi, which includes the idea of safeguarding human rights, democratic politics, freedom of speech and so on. Firstly, this paper criticizes the order of protecting Human Rights in the sense of the form of the national government, emphasizes that only the rule of law can protect human rights, and sets up a constitution to restrict the authority of the government. Then he objected to Mr. Sun Zhongshan's outline of the founding of the people's Republic and the doctrine of "knowing difficult things to do" and expressed his doubts that the constitution could not be accompanied by political discipline. He thought that making a constitution was the most important thing, and accepting the opinions of intellectuals more often. This is the beginning of the realization of democracy. Finally, the article "New Culture Movement and the Kuomintang" is used as a guide to reveal the Kuomintang's extreme conservatism, hinder the freedom of thought, and express his desire for freedom of speech in many other political articles. Call for the most basic right to freedom of speech in human rights. The third chapter studies and evaluates Hu Shi's "New Moon" constitutional thought from a comparative point of view. Firstly, it compares the "New Moon" period with Zhang Junmai's thoughts on human rights, and makes a comparison from the liberalism pedigree. The thesis of the dictatorship attitude towards the national government and whether the people should participate in politics are explained in detail, and then the liberal constitutional thought of Hu Shi period and Zeng Qi's nationalism constitutional thought are supported from the spirit and the attitude to the outside world. How to realize and compare the attitude of dissidents can help us to understand the constitutional thought of the New Moon period of Hu Shi more deeply. In the last part of the article, the author evaluates Hu Shi's liberal constitutional thought in the New Moon period, and compares the social impact on the society at that time with the progressive and negative aspects of the pre-thought. Hu Shi's liberalism constitutional thought is more positive and more worthy of our study.
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