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发布时间:2018-07-10 15:02

  本文选题:非婚同居 + 法律正义 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 非婚同居以及由其引发的相关问题已经不能回避,对非婚同居行为加以定性和规制也是必然的趋势。从我国目前来看,大多数人认为非婚同居仅属纯粹的道德范畴而与法律无关,当事人在权益受到侵害时也自认倒霉。本文以“武海霞诉洪竹青欠款案”为引,对此案的审理和判决做了相应的分析和判断,并对相关概念加以解释和区别,同时,文章分析了非婚同居弱势方及其弱势地位的表现,并从法律正义观出发,论述非婚同居是应该受到法律规制的,这样才能保证社会的公平正义,保证人们的自由权利得以实现。 本文第一章介绍了此案的基本案情及法院的判决结果和依据,为之后的分析铺垫了道路。在第二章主要是对具体问题展开讨论和分析,引入非婚同居这一概念并对此概念进行阐明。接着又分析了非婚同居中双方的地位以及弱势方受到的不公正待遇并由此说明我们构建非婚同居法律的必要性。第三章主要论述国外典型的非婚同居法律制度,可为构建我国的相关法律制度提供一些启示和借鉴。第四章也就是本文的最后一部分提出了构建我国非婚同居法律的价值选择和应有模式。此模式就是在非婚同居双方存在契约的情形下,法律对契约应持肯定态度并以契约内容来作为审理案件的主要依据,明示和默示的契约都可以。在没有契约的情形下,我们需要根据事前规定的法律来作为判案依据。如此,非婚同居就被纳入法律的规制范畴,对非婚同居的纠纷解决和弱势方的保护都是很有裨益的。
[Abstract]:Non-marital cohabitation and the related problems caused by it can not be avoided, and it is an inevitable trend to define and regulate the behavior of non-marital cohabitation. From the point of view of our country, most people think that non-marital cohabitation is only a pure moral category and has nothing to do with the law, and the parties concerned admit their own bad luck when their rights and interests are infringed. Based on Wuhaixia v. Hongzhuqing arrears case, this paper makes a corresponding analysis and judgment on the trial and judgment of this case, and explains and distinguishes the relevant concepts. At the same time, the article analyzes the performance of the vulnerable parties and their vulnerable status in non-marital cohabitation. Based on the view of legal justice, this paper discusses that non-marital cohabitation should be regulated by law, so as to ensure social fairness and justice and guarantee the realization of people's free rights. The first chapter introduces the basic facts of the case and the results and basis of the court decision, paving the way for the later analysis. In the second chapter, it mainly discusses and analyzes the specific problems, introduces the concept of non-marital cohabitation and clarifies the concept. Then it analyzes the status of both parties and the unfair treatment of the weak parties in the non-marital cohabitation and explains the necessity of constructing the law of non-marital cohabitation. The third chapter mainly discusses the foreign typical legal system of non-marital cohabitation, which can provide some enlightenment and reference for the construction of China's related legal system. The fourth chapter is the last part of this article put forward the value choice and model of constructing the law of non-marital cohabitation in our country. In the case of non-marital cohabitation contract, the law should hold a positive attitude towards the contract and take the content of the contract as the main basis for hearing cases. Both express and implied contracts can be used. In the absence of a contract, we need to base our decision on the law prescribed in advance. Thus, non-marital cohabitation is brought into the scope of legal regulation, which is beneficial to the dispute resolution of non-marital cohabitation and the protection of vulnerable parties.


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