[Abstract]:With the development of international trade and the specialization of international freight transport, NVOCC has become an indispensable part of international maritime cargo transportation. The NVOCC system in the United States, after more than 200 years of development, has now established quite perfect systems such as margin money. In late 2003, the Federal Maritime Commission of the United States initiated a procedure to amend the 1998 U.S. Shipping Reform Act, as well as related systems such as the system of freight rates and the system of service agreements for NVOCs established in recent years. The NVOCC Service Arrangement). (NVOCC Service Agreement) was adopted to resolve the problem of prohibiting NVOCC carriers from signing service contracts with shippers, which was left over by the US Shipping Reform Act of 1998. The Federal Maritime Commission also approved amendments to the non-ship carrier service agreement. Through the above two acts, the CMI provides that an agreement for the service of a NVOCC means a bill of lading concluded between one or more shippers and one or more NVOCC or two or more non-ship carriers associated with them, A written contract outside the receipt of the goods. In the agreement, the shipper undertakes to provide the minimum quantity or proportion of goods or freight for a specified period, while the NVOCC undertakes to provide services at a certain rate or at a level determined by the tariff scale. All non-ship carrier service agreements and their revised documents shall be kept in confidence by the Maritime Committee. The promulgation of the NVOCC Agreement gives NVOCC the right to enter into secret agreements with shippers, That is, both parties can provide services either through an open fare list or by signing a service agreement with the shipper. This method makes the NVOCC and the ship operator in the same competitive position, and promotes the healthy competition of the whole shipping industry. China has not established the service agreement system of NVOCC at present. According to the existing regulations of our country, NVOCC can enter into an agreed freight rate with international shipping operators, but it cannot agree on an agreed freight rate with cargo owners and other NVOCs. Compared with the service agreement system of the NVOCC in the United States, the NVOCC in our country has not obtained the status of fair competition with the shipping company, and there is no special organization to deal with the matters such as tariff filing and service agreement filing. In this paper, the author makes a detailed discussion on the legislative background and content of the service agreement of the non-ship carrier by means of comparative analysis, combined with the relevant provisions of the international convention on the service agreement of the non-ship carrier. To provide some suggestions for perfecting the legal system of NVOCC in China.
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