[Abstract]:In 1862, Marx discussed Vico's interpretation of Roman law in a letter to Lassal, which became an important intersection between Marx and Vico on Roman law. Along the lines of this letter, we can see a dialogue between Marx and Vico in the spirit of Roman law. First of all, they all think that the essence of Roman law is poetry, but in the specific understanding of poetic spirit is very different. Secondly, both of them saw that the formation of Roman law was closely related to the imagination of the things around them, but their interpretation of "illusory" was quite different. Furthermore, Marx and Vico both agreed that the formation of Roman law was linked to the needs and usages of human beings in the specific environment, and that these needs and usages also constituted a further driving force for the advancement of history. However, in the need and use of the specific content and ranking, there are differences between the two. Following these resonances and divergences on Roman law issues, Marx and Vico will finally show a wonderful dialogue on the spiritual issue of law, which is particularly important for a better understanding of the spirit of law in the era of legal system.
【作者单位】: 山西农业大学马克思主义学院;
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