[Abstract]:Utopian socialism emerged in Europe in the 16 th century and reached its peak in the 19 th century. In these three hundred years, dozens of excellent thinkers have been produced. The ideological content of these thinkers has been constantly enriched, the theory has been constantly improved, and the criticism of capitalism has become more and more profound. Saint-Simon, Fourier and Irving, three famous thinkers of the nineteenth century, developed the theory of utopian socialism to the highest stage. The theory of utopian socialism is a precious cultural heritage of mankind, in which the elaboration of legal thought becomes an important part of their theory. This paper summarizes the legal thoughts of utopian socialists from the aspects of legislation, law enforcement, judicature, law-abiding and legal supervision, and analyzes the theoretical significance, practical significance and historical limitation of these thoughts. The legal thought of utopian socialism embodies the thinkers' pursuit and longing for a better society in the future. In their ideas, most thinkers have proposed that the public ownership of the means of production, distribution of labor products according to work or distribution according to demand should be carried out in an ideal society. The promotion of democracy is a valuable cultural heritage in the history of human legal thought, which provides ideological materials for Marx and Engels to establish scientific socialism theory. The positive part of the legal thought of utopian socialism can be inherited and carried forward, which also provides a useful reference for speeding up the construction of the socialist legal state. Although these ideas are utopian and impossible to achieve, they reflect the early proletarian forerunners. At the same time, we should also soberly see its historical limitations. Because the theoretical basis of their legal thought is idealistic, they deviate from the material basis of reality and fall into the false and utopian misunderstanding.
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