[Abstract]:The study of judicial interpretation is of decisive significance to the in-depth study of legal interpretation, to the straightening out of the relationship between the various subjects of legal interpretation in China, and to the establishment of a scientific and reasonable legal interpretation. In many countries, legal interpretation always refers to the interpretation of law by judges. Generally speaking, there is no judicial interpretation. Legal interpretation is judicial interpretation, which is common to both countries. Both the Organic Law of the People's Court of the People's Republic of China and the Organic Law of the Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China stipulate that the subject of judicial interpretation is the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate.
This paper studies the present situation and suggestions for perfection of China's judicial interpretation. Throughout the 14 years of extensive judicial interpretation, a detailed analysis and description are made in terms of quantity and form. It can be seen that the judicial interpretation of the highest judicial organ plays its unique role in filling the gaps and loopholes in the law and maintaining the application of law and society. It has played a positive role in these aspects. However, the function of judicial interpretation can not get rid of all kinds of problems in practice, and the power of judicial interpretation has surpassed the legislative power, and the modern rule of law has emerged. It violates the basic characteristics of legal interpretation; judicial interpretation can not meet the requirements of the applicable law in judicial practice, it is difficult to ensure the accurate application of the law and so on. These are closely related to the imperfection of the legal system and the crude and excessive principles of the legal system; the impact of the legal interpretation system; the need for the expansion of judicial authority and other reasons.
Faced with this situation, in order to promote the reform and improvement of the judicial system, it is necessary to take corresponding measures to improve the judicial interpretation system, to solve the problem from strengthening the legislative system, because the legislature is lazy in exercising or unable to fully and timely exercise its legislative power and legislative interpretation power, resulting in the objective existence of social reality and the need for judicial interpretation. The reality, therefore, urgently needs to strengthen the work of legislative interpretation; more importantly, to strengthen the perfection of judicial interpretation, to legitimize the judicial interpretation, the content of the interpretation does not expand or the overall meaning of the interpretation; judicial interpretation should be formulated under the principle of law, not beyond the authority, not with the basic spirit of the provisions of the law. In order to embody the seriousness and unity of law, we should establish a judicial interpretation model with case interpretation as the main body, weaken the abstract judicial interpretation, strengthen the unification and standardization of judicial interpretation, and speed up the reform of judicial system through the perfection of judicial interpretation.
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