[Abstract]:Women's laws are laws that affirm women's legal status and protect women's rights and interests. Under the feudal old legal system, the legal status of women is not high, and women's rights lack of legal protection. Under the guidance of Mr. Sun Zhongshan's theory of the three people's principles, the Nanjing National Government carried out the legal principle of "equality between men and women", giving Chinese women equal rights with men in political participation, property and inheritance, marital autonomy and education. And labor rights, and the protection of women's special rights and interests, has greatly improved the legal status of women. [declaration] through legal news reports, legal advice, commercial advertisements, and statements, On the one hand, women's legal information is disseminated to the audience to guide women to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests through legal means; on the other hand, the audience's attitude and opinions on women's law are fed back to the legislative and judicial organs of the National Government. First, it has played the role of popularizing women's legal knowledge and improving their legal knowledge level; secondly, it has played the role of educating women in the legal system and improving their ability to safeguard their legal rights and interests according to law. Thirdly, the feedback on the attitude and opinions of the women community on the legal information can also prompt the legal departments of the National Government to make corresponding adjustments and perfect the women's laws. Thus, it is more conducive to safeguarding the legal rights and interests of women. The declaration has the characteristics of timeliness, extensiveness and interactivity in the dissemination of women's laws, and can quickly and effectively disseminate women's legal information to the audience. It plays an important role in the socialization of women's laws. Studying on the dissemination of women's laws and drawing lessons from them will help to give full play to the role of newspapers and periodicals as a mass media in promoting the construction of legal system today.
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