[Abstract]:Since the 15th century, the African countries have been subjected to the aggression and colonial plunder of the European countries, and the countries of the continental law system, represented by France, have been "directly ruling" the African continent. With the advance of the colonization of Africa by the European colonists, Continental law also gradually began to be transplanted in Africa. Continental law is an important foreign law in the history of African law. Prior to the arrival of the European colonists, the African continent used the customary laws of all African races or sharia law. These local laws are deeply rooted in the thinking logic of the African people. Because of the qualitative difference between the continental law and the African native law culture, the transplantation in Africa has experienced a tortuous and difficult process. Through the dynamic evolution of localization in many ways, there is friction between continental law and African native law, but they continue to advance in harmony. In the course of the development of run-in, the continental law is constantly implanted into the African native law, which has an important impact on the African native law. The originally closed and backward local law is constantly accepting new and more advanced legal concepts. Even after the independence of the colonies, the laws of some African countries also took on the characteristics of the laws of the continent, so it can be said that the colonial domination of the countries of the continental legal system and the aggression against Africa have brought disaster to the African people. It also promotes the development of African law and makes African people accept new advanced legal concepts. The impact of continental legal culture on African society and its localization have changed African traditional laws and created laws that are more necessary for social development, making the legal development of this beautiful and mysterious land of Africa extremely unique. On the one hand, Africa was the first place where laws were formed. Due to the diversity of African countries and tribes, the customary laws of African countries were relatively rich and varied. On the other hand, Africa was also the first place where foreign laws were first transplanted and domesticated. On the basis of transplanting foreign laws, African laws have also made great progress. In the historical practice, the European continental law system countries directly transplant their own laws in the form of legislation, to restrict or change the form of African native law and to use assimilation policies to ensure the implementation of the transplanted laws. With the African native law, and finally gradually by the local law, successful introduction of advanced laws into the African continent. The purpose of this paper is to grasp this historical phenomenon macroscopically through the dynamic process of reproducing the transplantation and influence of continental law in Africa during the colonial period, and to probe into the influence and historical significance of the transplantation on the development of African law. And then some enlightenments are obtained in order to provide some experience for China to transplant foreign laws in the construction of rule of law.
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