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发布时间:2018-08-28 08:24
【摘要】: 《淮南子》又名《淮南鸿烈》是汉代淮南王刘安招募宾客集体创作的一部著作。《淮南子》内容极为丰富,涉及面极广。包含哲学、政治、天文、地理、文学等各个方面的内容。是一部百科全书式的著作。全书以“道”为统,力图融合各家学说之优长。 《淮南子》成书于一个十分特殊的时代,它写成于武帝即位之初,也就是在中国思想大一统前夕,思想界相对自由的时期。因此,透过《淮南子》,可以相对更为真实的认识清楚当时的知识分子的所恩、所想,更为真切的了解社会的真实面貌、人间疾苦。 在《淮南子》中,不乏有对治国之道、对法律的论述。《淮南子》在“道”的统摄下,极力融合儒、法两家思想。甚至行文至书末,儒法两家反有喧宾夺主之嫌。 本文即着重于挖掘《淮南子》一书在法律、治国方面的内容。《淮南子》的法律思想散落在各章之中,需要细心加以筛选、整理。 本文第一部分在于介绍《淮南子》创作时的社会大背景以及淮南王刘安的自身性格。以此更为全面的认识《淮南子》。汉初社会,“削藩”盛行。淮南王刘安其父淮南厉王刘长乃是汉高祖刘邦私生子。刘长以及其母亲两代皆是含冤而死。有这样家庭背景的淮南三兄弟,尤其受到中央政权的猜忌。淮南王在这种环境下感受到的是压抑和紧张。这种情绪在《淮南子》中必然反映出来。 文章的第二部分在于阐明《淮南子》流派归属的问题。《淮南子》一书的流派归属历来就有争议。主要是归属道家还是杂家的问题。《淮南子》内容“庞杂”使得历来诸多学者将其划为不同的学术流派。本文主要以《淮南子》各章对待“仁义礼乐”的不同的态度来表现、分析《淮南子》中道与儒之间的冲突、对抗以及融合。 本书第三部分是介绍《淮南子》书中“道”的理论。《淮南子》虽以“杂芜”著称。但全书始终还是有着以“道”统“法”的明显倾向。《淮南子》首篇《原道训》即是讲道,末篇《要略》明言全书是建立在“道”的基础之上。因而,要谈《淮南子》就必须首先对“道”有个清醒、全面的认识。“道”所具有的属性对《淮南子》在社会方面的观点影响甚大,两者可谓一脉相承。道,“柔弱”、“清净”;人,亦应“贵后”、“守雌”。 文章的第四部分是对散落在书中各篇的法律、治国观点的梳理、分析。法家代表人物韩非、慎到本身就源于老子,与道家有这天然的联系。《淮南子》承继这一联系,力图将道、法、儒三家思想加以融合。它将“仁义”贯入“刑名”之中。将“道”的“虚无”、“柔弱”的属性作为君主在政治上“无为”的理论依据。
[Abstract]:Huainan Zi, also known as "Huainan Honglie", is a book written by Liu An, king of Huainan in Han Dynasty, who recruited guests to create it collectively. "Huainan Zi" is extremely rich in content and covers a wide range of aspects. Contains philosophy, politics, astronomy, geography, literature and other aspects of the content. It's an encyclopedic book. The book takes "Tao" as a whole and tries to integrate the merits of various doctrines. "Huainan Zi" was written in a very special era, written at the beginning of the reign of Emperor Wu, that is, on the eve of the unification of Chinese thought. A period of relatively free thought. Therefore, through the "Huainan Zi", we can understand the intellectuals of the time more truthfully, think, understand the real face of society, human suffering. In "Huainan Zi", there is no lack of discussion on governing the country and law. Under the control of "Tao", Huainan Zi tries his best to integrate Confucianism and France. Even to the end of the book, Confucianism and the two schools have the suspicion of dominating. This paper focuses on excavating the contents of the book "Huainan Zi" in the aspects of law and governing the country. The legal thought of "Huainan Zi" is scattered among the chapters and needs to be carefully screened and sorted out. The first part of this paper is to introduce the social background of Huainan son and the character of Liu An. This is a more comprehensive understanding of "Huainan Zi". In the early Han Dynasty, "cutting off the vassals" prevailed. Huainan King Liu An's father, Liu Chang, was an illegitimate son of the Han Dynasty's ancestors, Liu Bang. Liu Chang and his mother both died unjustly. Huainan three brothers with such a family background were particularly suspicious by the central government. Huainan King in this environment is feeling depression and tension. This emotion is inevitably reflected in Huainan Zi. The second part of the article is to clarify the issue of school ownership in Huainan Zi, which has always been controversial. The content of "Huainan Zi" has led many scholars to classify it as different academic schools. This paper mainly presents the different attitudes towards "benevolence, courtesy and music" in each chapter of "Huainan Zi", and analyzes the conflict, confrontation and fusion between the middle Tao and Confucianism in "Huainan Zi". The third part of this book introduces the theory of Tao in Huainan Zi. However, the book still has an obvious tendency to "unify the Tao" with the law. "Huainan Zi" 's first "original Taoism" is a sermon, and the last "should be slightly" clearly states that the book is based on the "Tao". Therefore, if we want to talk about Huainan Zi, we must first have a clear and comprehensive understanding of Tao. The attributes of Tao have great influence on Huainan Zi's views on society. Tao, "weak", "clean"; people, should also "expensive queen", "guard female." The fourth part of the article is scattered in the book of the law, governance point of view combing, analysis. Han Fei, the representative of the Legalists, was born of Laozi and had this natural connection with the Taoists. "Huainan Zi" inherits this connection, trying to merge the Taoism, the law, and the Confucianism. It will "benevolence and righteousness" into the "punishment name." The "nothingness" and "tenderness" of Tao are regarded as the theoretical basis of monarch's "inaction" in politics.


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