[Abstract]:Modern Western jurisprudence offers us two distinct perspectives: one is that judicial practice is, at least for the most part, a value-neutral, mechanically applicable activity to past political decisions; the other is that the law itself cannot decide anything, which means that judges should act against it. There seems to be an insurmountable gap between the predictability and flexibility of the law. Since social life is constantly changing, if we insist on the predictability of the law, rigid application of the law will sacrifice the flexibility of the law; if we instead stress the flexibility of the law. The flexibility of the law, in turn, may undermine the foresight of the law and lead to unfair outcomes. But legal practice is the cause in which we are involved, which means that it is impossible to describe the law externally and objectively. We already live in concrete legal practice. Apparently, our compliance with the rules is consistent, but what underlies this uniformity is a variety of reasons for abiding by the rules, and the legitimacy of certain legal propositions based on various opinions. According to Dworkin, this provides for abiding by the rules. Legal practice is not a simple social fact, nor a calculation or expectation of a better social effect, but a holistic narrative of our history and tradition. Law is a controversial concept in simple cases. The reason for this controversy is that various legal interpretations come to the same conclusion here. In the "difficult cases" that Dworkin calls, these disputes can be clearly detected. The widespread existence of disputes does not mean that the law itself is ambiguous or ambiguous. The real reason for its existence is that we have not. Thus, according to Dworkin, the cause of jurisprudence is not to seek an objective and neutral description of legal practice, nor to plan for the best outcome of legal operation, but to construct a holistic, coherent narrative of legal practice. From the perspective of legal practice, it is not difficult to find that law is actually a "seamless web" - the law is inexhaustible. "Law on paper" will be exhausted in the way positivists describe it, but law will not be as incomplete an object as a Book lacking the last page. We will see the principles and principles contained in the law. Policy is innumerable. Therefore, even in difficult cases, in the absence of legal norms that can be clearly applied, judges can still find a "only correct answer" through imagination and reasoning. A specific judicial decision either rejects the legal rights of the parties, or acknowledges it, there is no so-called "two options" To defend this "only right answer" proposition, Dworkin needs to confront both external and internal skepticism. The success of Dworkin's defence depends entirely on the strength of his arguments based on principles and policies. Criticism of the objectivity of legal practice itself is a misconception because it lacks an internal perspective of the participants; intrinsic skepticism is a genuine skepticism that two or more interpretations may be equally good. There are two distinct legal understandings of a coherent narrative that guarantees individual rights, both of which are equally good arguments for our complex judicial practices and legal traditions, which are totally impossible. If we ask for consistency not only in the main idea but also in the details, then the only correct way to write is not only possible, but also inevitable.
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