发布时间:2018-09-03 17:41
【摘要】: 礼法融合是以儒家的政治法律思想作为封建立法、司法的指导原则,以儒家伦理道德规范作为封建立法的核心内容。礼法融合是中国传统法律文化的主要特征,一直是中国学术界关注和研究的重点研究课题之一。中国学术界特别是法学界对我国传统法律文化的研究已取得颇丰的成果,一批有创见的论著相继问世。但这些成果或论著通常是关于中华五千年整体法制文明的,而专门针对某一王朝的法律文化,研究则相对较少,尤其是西汉,由于汉律散佚,查询难度颇大,故研究得太少。再者,礼法融合是春秋时期礼崩乐坏之后,战国时代百家争鸣的产物,在这期间值得关注和研究的文化比比皆是。从以往的研究和史料我们可以得知,自罢黜百家、独尊儒术路线的开始实施,礼法融合已成为一种自觉的运动,特别是在董仲舒、公孙弘等人倡导的“春秋决狱”更是确立了儒家经典的最高法律地位,并促进了以经注律,引礼入律,使儒家学说这样一个以往法学研究的工具转变成为法律规范或者说法律规范的精神,这无疑是对中国传统法律文化和传统法律价值观的一种突破。基于此,本文的主要研究目标是从西汉政治、经济、文化等方面出发,来探索绵延数千年、时至今日仍余韵不歇的中国传统礼文化为什么发展到西汉会和法相互融,从而在深的层次对西汉为什么是中国历史上礼法融合的奠基期做一个合理的解释,以期抛砖引玉。 可以说,西汉法律是历史留给我们的一份珍贵遗产,仔细研究西汉时期的社会基础,并从社会基础中的经济、政治、官方哲学和伦理道德等角度阐述礼法融合得以产生的原因,不仅可以提高对西汉法律的研究高度,还对推动当前中国法治建设进程有着重要的指导和借鉴意义。礼法融合的奠基期发生在西汉有其历史的必然性。对此,我们应该怎么去批判、继承或是去其糟粕、取其精华?凡此种种都是我们当代以人为本、构建和谐社会过程中不可避免和必须回答的问题,为此,我们不得不再次走进历史的深处,对西汉礼法融合的现实基础做一翻重新的顾盼和审视。
[Abstract]:The integration of etiquette and law takes the political and legal thought of Confucianism as the guiding principle of feudal legislation and judicature, and the Confucian ethical norms as the core content of feudal legislation. The integration of etiquette and law is the main feature of Chinese traditional legal culture, and has always been one of the key research topics in Chinese academic circles. Great achievements have been made in the study of Chinese traditional legal culture, especially in the field of law, and a number of original works have been published one after another. However, these achievements or treatises are usually about the whole legal civilization of five thousand years of China, but the research on the legal culture of a certain dynasty is relatively few, especially in the Western Han Dynasty, because of the lost laws of the Han Dynasty and the difficulty of inquiry, the research is too few. Moreover, the integration of etiquette and law is the product of the warring States period, after the break of etiquette and music in the Spring and Autumn period. During this period, there are many cultures worthy of attention and study. From past research and historical data, we can see that the initiation of the line of ousting 100 schools and respecting Confucianism alone, the integration of etiquette and law has become a conscious movement, especially in Dong Zhongshu. Gongsun Hong and others advocated the "the Spring and Autumn period" to establish the highest legal status of the Confucian classics, and promoted the introduction of the law of the classics, the introduction of ritual into the law. It is undoubtedly a breakthrough to the Chinese traditional legal culture and traditional legal values to change the Confucian doctrine into a legal norm or the spirit of legal norms as a tool of legal research in the past. Based on this, the main research goal of this paper is to explore why the traditional Chinese ritual culture, which has lasted for thousands of years, has developed into the integration of the Western Han Dynasty and France from the political, economic and cultural aspects of the Western Han Dynasty. In order to make a reasonable explanation of why the Western Han Dynasty was the foundation of the integration of etiquette and law in the history of China. It can be said that the law of the Western Han Dynasty is a precious heritage left to us by history. We should carefully study the social foundation of the Western Han Dynasty and explain the reasons for the integration of etiquette and law from the angles of economy, politics, official philosophy and ethics in the social basis. It can not only improve the research height of the Western Han Dynasty law, but also have important guidance and reference significance to promote the construction of China's rule of law. The founding period of the integration of etiquette and law took place in the Western Han Dynasty with its historical inevitability. To this, how should we criticize, inherit or lose its dregs and take its essence? All these are the questions that we must answer in the process of building a harmonious society, so we have to go into the depth of history again. To the western Han Dynasty ritual law fusion realistic foundation makes a new look and examines.
[Abstract]:The integration of etiquette and law takes the political and legal thought of Confucianism as the guiding principle of feudal legislation and judicature, and the Confucian ethical norms as the core content of feudal legislation. The integration of etiquette and law is the main feature of Chinese traditional legal culture, and has always been one of the key research topics in Chinese academic circles. Great achievements have been made in the study of Chinese traditional legal culture, especially in the field of law, and a number of original works have been published one after another. However, these achievements or treatises are usually about the whole legal civilization of five thousand years of China, but the research on the legal culture of a certain dynasty is relatively few, especially in the Western Han Dynasty, because of the lost laws of the Han Dynasty and the difficulty of inquiry, the research is too few. Moreover, the integration of etiquette and law is the product of the warring States period, after the break of etiquette and music in the Spring and Autumn period. During this period, there are many cultures worthy of attention and study. From past research and historical data, we can see that the initiation of the line of ousting 100 schools and respecting Confucianism alone, the integration of etiquette and law has become a conscious movement, especially in Dong Zhongshu. Gongsun Hong and others advocated the "the Spring and Autumn period" to establish the highest legal status of the Confucian classics, and promoted the introduction of the law of the classics, the introduction of ritual into the law. It is undoubtedly a breakthrough to the Chinese traditional legal culture and traditional legal values to change the Confucian doctrine into a legal norm or the spirit of legal norms as a tool of legal research in the past. Based on this, the main research goal of this paper is to explore why the traditional Chinese ritual culture, which has lasted for thousands of years, has developed into the integration of the Western Han Dynasty and France from the political, economic and cultural aspects of the Western Han Dynasty. In order to make a reasonable explanation of why the Western Han Dynasty was the foundation of the integration of etiquette and law in the history of China. It can be said that the law of the Western Han Dynasty is a precious heritage left to us by history. We should carefully study the social foundation of the Western Han Dynasty and explain the reasons for the integration of etiquette and law from the angles of economy, politics, official philosophy and ethics in the social basis. It can not only improve the research height of the Western Han Dynasty law, but also have important guidance and reference significance to promote the construction of China's rule of law. The founding period of the integration of etiquette and law took place in the Western Han Dynasty with its historical inevitability. To this, how should we criticize, inherit or lose its dregs and take its essence? All these are the questions that we must answer in the process of building a harmonious society, so we have to go into the depth of history again. To the western Han Dynasty ritual law fusion realistic foundation makes a new look and examines.
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