[Abstract]:Han Fei, as a representative figure of Legalists, melts "Law", "skill" and "potential" into a furnace, and has accomplished the historical mission of systematization and theorization of law. His legal thought changed the legal disorder, lacked the theoretical depth of the historical status quo, set up a new "law-based" concept of governing the country, and had a profound impact on the feudal imperial power of later generations. The study of Han Fei's legal thought is not only helpful to understand its legal thought itself, but also to understand the whole ancient Chinese legal thought, and to find more national traditions for the modernization of the rule of law. On the whole, this paper is divided into three parts: the first part, the theoretical basis of Han Fei's legal thought. This part is mainly from two aspects, respectively: (1) the theory of human nature. Hume once said that human nature is the logical starting point and logical destination of all science. Han Fei's thought on human nature has a direct influence on the construction of his legal thought. (2) Historical view. Social existence determines social consciousness, and social consciousness reflects social existence. The historical age of Han Fei's life will determine what kind of legal thought it produces. The second part is the content of Han Fei's legal thought. This part mainly starts from four aspects, namely: (1) the theory of state origin. Objectively speaking, Han Fei's view on the origin of a country has its historical limitations, but its progressive significance is self-evident. (2) the theory of "rule of law" based on law. Han Fei attached great importance to the "rule of law", believing that the monarch can only rely on the law to govern the country well, the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and only through the "rule of law" can the monarch firmly control the imperial power in his hands. (3) the heavy punishment of "lightly punishing the people" says. Han Fei believes that light punishment can not achieve the purpose of restraining crime, it is harm to the people. On the contrary, severe punishment can achieve the purpose of restraining crime, protecting people from punishment and safeguarding the interests of the people. (4) the theory of combining "law", "skill" and "power". Han Fei melts "Law", "skill" and "potential" into a furnace, which is an important feature of his legal thought. To study Han Fei's legal thought, we must study "Law", "skill" and "potential" as a whole. The third part is the evaluation of Han Fei's legal thought. Han Fei's legal thought was chosen from a hundred schools, which made the legal thought more systematic and enriched the ruling method of feudal monarch as well as the legal civilization of ancient China. But Han Fei's legal thought also has historical limitation. Under the influence of Han Fei's legal thought, Qin Shihuang changed the rule of law into punishment and accelerated the death of Qin Dynasty. And Han Fei's thought pays too much attention to utilitarianism, desalination benevolence and righteousness. He also believes that the mind of the masses is incomplete, like a baby, seriously belittling the wisdom and strength of the masses. Han Fei's thought had a profound influence on later generations, and played an important role in the formation of dynastic orthodox legal thought. The legal construction of the Chinese nation needs us to study and excavate the essence of the traditional legal culture and make a beneficial discussion on the establishment and perfection of the Chinese legal system.
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