[Abstract]:In the implementation of public law in our country, there are not only the problems of the legal type structure in the traditional sense, but also some typical problems in the modern sense and the expansion of the compound field. The inherent defects of formal rationality and the comprehensive level of the country's rule of law, the ambiguity and conflict of the value objectives of public law and the gap they bring, the contrast between the recessive public law activists and the explicit private rights holders. There are four main reasons for the more comparative advantage of the implementation of the reasonable restriction of private law. As far as the reality of our country is concerned, it is necessary to absorb and draw lessons from the implementation of private law to break through the restriction of rational bottleneck in the implementation of public law, and to further clarify the basic concept of the legal system of private law of public law. The information management system, plea bargaining and reconciliation system, and the efficiency regulation system of private law implementation should be established and perfected to establish a relatively perfect system of private law implementation in modern public law enforcement.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;
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