[Abstract]:Objectivity is an important issue in law, its existence can maintain people's faith in law. The research on the objectivity of legal reasoning is of great significance in the contemporary legal field. Through the research on the objectivity of legal reasoning, this paper tries to expand the living space of objectivity of legal reasoning and improve the existence value of objectivity of legal reasoning. This paper discusses the following aspects: first, combing and discussing the objectivity problem: in the traditional cognitive behavior, the objectivity of legal reasoning is regarded as a kind of pure objectivity, and the pursuit of objectivity is completely consistent with the objective facts. The method is completely dependent on syllogism and is an ontology of objectivity. Second, the crisis of the objectivity of legal reasoning: since the end of the 19th century, the objectivity of legal reasoning has been widely questioned and criticized by legal realist and critical legal scholars. People doubt whether the process of legal reasoning has objectivity, even the significance of legal texts has objectivity, so that the objectivity of legal reasoning highlights the crisis. Third, the improvement of the objectivity of legal reasoning: from different angles, this paper gives an improved method to reconstruct the objectivity of legal reasoning in order to avoid or solve the crisis of objectivity of legal reasoning. Fourth, the application and practice of the objectivity of legal reasoning: how to pursue the objectivity of legal reasoning in the reform of society. Through the study of several principles of legal reasoning, this paper explores the development direction of the theory of legal reasoning, studies the combination of legal reasoning and judicial practice, and reverses the drawback of the disconnection between the research of legal theory and judicial practice. To find a new theoretical growth point for the study of legal theory. In this paper, the author puts forward the wisdom and thinking of the mean, that is, the "degree" of the objectivity of legal reasoning in the legislative process or the law enforcement process. In a word, the objectivity of legal reasoning involves many subjects, such as jurisprudence, logic and philosophy.
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