[Abstract]:Law making by judges is a creative activity for judges to create specific legal rules in the judicial process and in the absence of existing legal norms in order to solve specific cases and disputes in judicial practice. The limitation of statutory law and the judge's obligation to refuse judgment are the important reasons for the existence and development of judge's law. Judge-made law has a long history in common law countries, and its theory and practice are relatively developed and perfected after a long history. Civil law countries have experienced a process from strict prohibition to gradual acceptance and acceptance of the law making of judges. It is of great significance to balance the relationship between legislation and judicature, to promote the development and perfection of law and to solve the dilemma of law application in reality. Law making by judges is not a random activity of judges, but a complex process of legal interpretation, loophole supplement and legal reasoning in accordance with specific methods and approaches. Our country is a written law country, the enactment law is our country's main legal source. Although great progress has been made in our country's legislative work since the reform and opening up, and the socialist legal system has been continuously improved, the existence of a large number of legal loopholes is still an objective fact in the legal field of our country. However, disputes and contradictions in economic and social life do not stop because of this. With the economic and social development of our country, more and more unprecedented cases and disputes have gradually entered the field of view of judges. Although the law of judge making is not clearly stipulated by the law of our country, in the judicial practice, the judge exercises the function of making law of judge in varying degrees. There is the necessity and possibility of the existence and development of the judge law in our country. Judicial interpretation and the creation of "case law" is the main form of law making by judges in our country. Although the judge law in judicial practice in our country has played an important role in making up the legal loopholes and adjusting social relations, the problems and defects also exist. For the problems existing in the law making of judges in our country, we can't prohibit and cancel them, but should perfect and develop them step by step. Only then, can accord with our country economy, the social development tendency and the rule of law development law. This paper adopts the methods of combining theory with practice, comparative law and sociology, and makes a systematic analysis and research on the historical development of judge making law in foreign countries, the meaning of judge making law and the way and method of judge making law. On the basis of theoretical research, this paper puts forward my own thoughts on the necessity and possibility of the judge's making law in our country, the situation of the judge's making law in our country's judicial practice, the existing problems and the suggestion of perfecting the judge's making law in our country.
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