[Abstract]:The prison reform in the late Qing Dynasty was an important part of the law revision and the whole New deal in the late Qing Dynasty. In this reform movement, the jurists used the western advanced modern prison thought to carry on the reform to the Chinese traditional prison, opened our country prison modernization big screen. Dong Kang was one of the important figures in the prison reform movement. His prison reform thought influenced and reflected the trend of the prison reform movement in the late Qing Dynasty to a great extent. In 1901, Dong Kang transferred the chief of the prison office from the chief manuscript of Hu Guang Department of Criminal Affairs, personally participated in the direct management of the traditional prison and accumulated practical experience in prison management. In 1906, he was sent by the Qing Dynasty to Japan to investigate the prison judgment and other matters. Dong Kang came into contact with the western advanced modern prison thought and combined it with the practice of prison management in China and formed his thought of prison reform. In general, Dong Kang's views on prison reform are shown in the following aspects: first, prison legislation. Dong Kang advocates to formulate systematic prison laws and regulations and to unify the management of local prisons, and emphasizes that the jurisdiction of the prison should be relatively independent from the administration of justice, and the second is the improvement measures in the aspect of prison administration. Mainly includes the prison structure design, the prison classification, the prison officials and the prison statistics and so on several aspects, these are the traditional prison has not considered or does not attach importance to, but Dong Kang regards it as an important aspect in the prison reform; Third, the reform of penalty system. After synthetically analyzing the free penalty system in various countries, Dong Kang put forward the ways and aspects that can be used for reference in China. As for the most severe death penalty, Dong Kang also thinks that there should be only one death penalty, and advocates that the death penalty should be reduced from the point of view of leniency, which is indeed a kind of progress. In addition, Dong Kang personally participated in the autumn trial ceremony while serving as a prisoner in the Ministry of torture, so he had a deeper understanding of the autumn trial. He respected the autumn trial system of the Qing Dynasty and thought that the autumn trial system had found a relative balance between emotion and reason. Is one of the important means of commutation; Fourth, the management of prisoners in prison. He argued that the treatment of prisoners should follow the three basic elements of fairness, Yan Zheng and benevolence, and pay attention to the respect and protection of prisoners' rights of person, reputation, labor, correspondence and so on. And to give full play to the prison to prisoners, especially to juvenile offenders education and probation. Although Dong Kang's thought of prison reform was inevitably influenced by the famous jurists of the Qing Dynasty, he combined with his own actual experience and news on the basis of the prison thought of these jurists to supplement and carry forward it. Because of his own special status, his prison reform thought had a profound influence on the prison reform movement in the late Qing Dynasty and even in the later period of the Republic of China.
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