[Abstract]:The purpose of law clinic teaching is to strengthen the students' legal thinking ability and vocational skills, to improve the practice level from experience and lessons, to understand the professional ethics and social responsibility of lawyers. The most important feature of clinic course is that students can take part in real cases to train their vocational skills under the guidance and simulation of clinical teachers. Since the first day of studying in the clinic, the identity of students has changed radically. The common problems of students in clinic study are the uncertainty of their identity and the nonstandard problem of litigation practice. Identity orientation is the premise and influence factor of subsequent practical operation, and standardizing its practical behavior is also conducive to the students' correct understanding and orientation of their identity. The two problems are related to each other and affect the effective realization of the purpose of legal clinic teaching. In order to solve this problem, the author, from the angle of teaching assistant in legal clinic, taking the process of case handling as the main line, makes observation, investigation, inquiry, integration and analysis of the problem of identity and standardization of litigation practice. The feasible scheme of solving the problem is put forward, which can provide reference for the formulation of the behavior standard of medical students' handling cases, and expand the space of clinic teaching. The problem of students' identity is mainly reflected in the identity orientation of students' investigation and evidence collection and in court, as well as the clear responsibility of students' rights and obligations. The standardization of litigation practice is mainly aimed at the problems existing in students' interview behavior, investigation of evidence collection and appearance in court, and puts forward some operable schemes and suggestions for standardizing their behavior. Legal clinic education is a new thing in China and is still in the process of practice and exploration. It is hoped that this study will be helpful to the realization of the purpose of legal clinic education.
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