商标与商誉关系的再思考——由 “王老吉”商标的法律纷争说起
发布时间:2019-01-10 09:42
【摘要】:尽管商标与商誉在经济生活中具有密切的联系,但二者既非不可分离,也不存在"主仆"关系,而应当是两种交互影响的竞争性资源。就目前闹得沸沸扬扬的"王老吉"商标纠纷来说,如果加多宝公司今后真的无法继续使用 "王老吉"商标,那也绝不意味着其之前辛苦创建的商誉将因此被广药集团所无偿攫取。对后者而言,其在这场纷争中的"不劳而获"仅体现为,借加多宝公司之力令 "王老吉"商标获得了突出的显著性以及日益强大的识别功能。
[Abstract]:Although trademark and goodwill are closely related in economic life, they are neither inseparable nor "master and servant", but should be two kinds of competitive resources that interact with each other. As far as the current uproar of the "Wang Laoji" trademark dispute is concerned, if the company really cannot continue to use the "Wang Laoji" trademark in the future, That does not mean that its hard-earned goodwill will therefore be seized by Guang Yao Group for free. For the latter, its "gain without effort" in this dispute is only reflected in the outstanding significance and increasingly powerful recognition function of the "Wang Laoji" trademark through the power of Garduobal.
【作者单位】: 江西财经大学法学院;
[Abstract]:Although trademark and goodwill are closely related in economic life, they are neither inseparable nor "master and servant", but should be two kinds of competitive resources that interact with each other. As far as the current uproar of the "Wang Laoji" trademark dispute is concerned, if the company really cannot continue to use the "Wang Laoji" trademark in the future, That does not mean that its hard-earned goodwill will therefore be seized by Guang Yao Group for free. For the latter, its "gain without effort" in this dispute is only reflected in the outstanding significance and increasingly powerful recognition function of the "Wang Laoji" trademark through the power of Garduobal.
【作者单位】: 江西财经大学法学院;
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