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发布时间:2019-03-24 13:19
【摘要】: 本文从语篇信息处理角度,对刑事庭审中被告人与其他各方的互动进行研究。揭示各方如何处理语篇信息来实现刑事庭审的互动。 本文以语篇信息处理模式之互动意向与法律语篇树状信息结构模型为理论框架,对法庭互动中各方之互动意向进行研究。根据语篇信息处理模式,庭审中有三组互动意向:单方发展和共同发展;单方排斥和共同排斥;单方放弃和共同放弃。本文根据法律语篇树状信息结构理论,分别从语篇信息的多个方面对这三组互动意向进行分析,即信息单位,信息点,信息结构,态度类型,信息共享类型。与此同时,本文还对实现这三组互动意向的语言策略及语言手段进行了分析。在庭审互动中,参与者根据不同的利益要求选择不同的互动意向及语言策略和语言手段来参与语篇信息处理。本文最后还分析了庭审各方的互动意向对于实现三个刑事庭审原则的影响。本文旨在为明确刑事庭审互动中各方之语言权利及促进司法正义提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:This paper studies the interaction between defendant and other parties in criminal trial from the perspective of discourse information processing. To reveal how the parties deal with the discourse information to realize the interaction of the criminal trial. Based on the theoretical framework of the interactive intention of discourse information processing model and the tree information structure model of legal discourse, this paper studies the interaction intention of all parties in court interaction. According to the model of discourse information processing, there are three sets of interactive intentions in the trial: unilateral development and common development; unilateral exclusion and common exclusion; unilateral abandonment and joint abandonment. Based on the theory of tree-shaped information structure in legal discourse, this paper analyzes these three groups of interactive intentions from several aspects of discourse information, namely, information unit, information point, information structure, attitude type and information sharing type. At the same time, this paper also analyzes the language strategies and means to realize these three groups of interactive intentions. In trial interaction, participants choose different interaction intention, language strategies and language means to participate in text information processing according to different interests. Finally, this paper analyzes the influence of the mutual intention of the parties to the trial on the realization of the three principles of criminal trial. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the language rights of all parties in the interaction of criminal trials and to promote judicial justice.


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