[Abstract]:Since Japan launched a new round of "Financial Big Bang" reform at the end of the last century, in response to the impact of financial liberalization on the traditional financial legal system and the high incidence of financial disputes, on the one hand, On the basis of the relevant theories of consumer law and financial law, Japanese scholars have initially constructed the theory of financial service law with the concept of "financial consumer" as the core. On the other hand, the legislator also tries to strengthen the financial legal system reform represented by the convergence of consumer law and financial law through promoting the legislation of financial services integration, so as to adapt to the trend of changing from investor protection to financial consumer protection. It is a feasible way for us to build a unified legislative system of financial consumer protection with Chinese characteristics by using Japan's theory and experience on financial consumer and investor protection for reference.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心;
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