[Abstract]:In the years of the Republic of China, the rapid development of the charity requires the relevant legal system to be standardized. The charity legislation has become a common demand of all walks of life. At the same time, the social environment of the charitable legislation also tends to be mature. On the one hand, the traditional charity rule of China in ancient China provided the domestic resources that can be used for reference in the Republic of China, and has a deep historical foundation; on the other hand, since the beginning of the 20th century, the modernization of Chinese law has been deepening and developing, and it also creates the necessary conditions for the charity legislation. In the legislative practice, the traditional charity thought, the modern western charity relief thought and the Sun Yat-sen's populism constitute the Republic of China Charity Since there are many legislative subjects, the legal origin of the Republic of China's charity law is also multi-level, mainly including the constitution, the laws, the administrative regulations, the department rules and the local regulations. In the functional mechanism, the legal documents at different levels play an interface with each other and cooperate with each other. Through the process of the Republic of China's charity legislation, it has gone through the start-up of the period of the Beijing government and the development and completion of the period of the Nanjing National Government On the basis of the legal structure, the charity legislation of the Republic of China covers the charitable administration legislation, the regulatory legislation of the charity group, the legislation on the preferential tax preference of the charity, the legislation on the recognition of the charitable donation, and the like. The content of the four aspects: The charity administration is the organizational basis and the basic path of the administration of the charity in the Republic of China. It is also the government of the Republic of China. The Beijing government and the Nanjing National Government have successively promulgated a series of administrative law, and set up a more perfect administrative organ for charity. The relevant functions are defined. In terms of the regulatory legislation of the charity, the Constitution of the Republic of China has the right to freedom of association and has established a charity in the civil law At the same time, a series of laws and regulations such as the Supervision of the Charitable Group Law and the like have been put in place to register and manage the charitable organizations, the daily administration and the charity. In the area of tax legislation, the Government of the Republic of China has taken a tax incentive system to the charity, and given the charity and the donors a certain degree. In particular, the tax benefits that the charitable organization can enjoy include the income tax, the consumption tax, the behavior tax and the income tax. Tax benefits such as property tax. In the legislative area of charitable donation, there are mainly public welfare charity donations and disaster relief. There are two types of regulations for good donation. In addition, the scope of the adjustment of some comprehensive praise regulations also covers the charitable donation. and related charitable activities. In the course of the charitable legislation, the folk charity also has the opportunity to express the will, and The government has a degree of interaction. The Chinese Red Cross and the Shanghai Philanthropy Group The Federation of the Red Cross is two typical cases. The Chinese Red Cross is the modern China A charity group with the largest scale. After the Republic of China, the central government began to carry out the Red Cross legislation and issued the Regulations of the Red Cross of the Chinese Red Cross (1914), the Regulations of the Red Cross of the Republic of China (1933), and the Red Cross of the Republic of China in time of war. Organization Regulation (1943), drafted The Red Cross Law of the Republic of China>. For these Red Cross regulations, the Chinese Red Cross, which is the object of the legislation, has a corresponding act. In April,1927, the Shanghai Charity Federation was established in April,1927, and the Shanghai Charity Federation in the late Republic of China has a wide range of interests. The association consortium of the pan-social influence. Before and after the supervision of the Charitable Group Law and its application rules and the Articles of Association of the Property Management Committee of the Shanghai Charity Group, the Federation of the Shanghai Charity Federation also works with the Nanjing National Government and Shanghai around the contents of the above-mentioned charitable laws and regulations The city government launched a series of representations And has taken a number of counter-actions. By analyzing the status and role of civil charitable organizations in the process of the central and local government charitable legislation, it is possible to reveal the near future from one side. The Relationship between the National and the Society of China, the Operation Mechanism of the Legal System of the Republic of China and the Actual Effect In the Republic of China, two important charitable methods have been selected to supervise the Charitable Group Law> and < Through the investigation, the former has played an important role in standardizing the case of a charity group, strengthening the supervision of the charity group, and rewarding the charity group and the individual; the latter established the charitable donation The legal system has stimulated the enthusiasm of the people, and also promoted the Republic of China to a certain extent. The development of educational cause has improved the running conditions. Of course, due to the restriction of many social factors, the Republic of China The effect of the charity law is not as expected. The charity legal system during the Republic of China The significance of the law of the Republic of China in the Republic of China is to establish a modern charitable legal system that is more complete and systematic, and to promote the legal system of the charity. It is of course that the Republic of China has an unbalanced structure in the Republic of China. The level of legislation is low, the implementation effect is not ideal, and so on.
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