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研究显示,无论社会文化的背景如何不同,同性恋者大约占社会性成熟时 期人口总量为3%至5%。依据专家测算,中国的同性恋人口有3900万至5200万。 长期致力于同性恋问题研究的张北川教授曾做出估计,我国 15-60 岁的同性恋 群体的人口数量大约达到 3000 万。虽然数据不甚相同,但均反映了同一个事实, 那就是中国同性恋者数目庞大,已经构成一个不容忽视的亚文化群体。1 从世界领域来看,已经有 21 个国家先后通过立法认可同性伴侣间的婚姻关 系,同性婚姻合法化浪潮呈现出蔓延的趋势。2015 年美国联邦最高法院对 Obergefell v. Hodges 案的判决承认了同性婚姻的合法性,使得美国成为了第 21 个实现同性婚姻合法化的国家,更是掀起了同志平权运动的高潮。然而目前同 性恋相关的法律问题在我国还没有进入正式的议程,只是一个被窥探和被回避 的话题,与之相关的研究也是少之又少。但这个问题意义实在深远,不仅有相 关法律与社会政策意义,而且有法理学和伦理学的理论价值。结婚权作为一项 基本权利,与个人尊严和自由息息相关。因此,研究人权视野下的同性婚姻制 度的变迁,既有助于了解同性婚姻的人权保护及法律实践的发展过程,同时对 于认识社会现实以及完善现有法律也具有借鉴意义。 本文第一章“同性婚姻合法化的理论争议”介绍了同性婚姻合法化所面对 的驳斥质疑和赞同理论两种观点。反对同性婚姻的理由主要来自传统婚姻观念、 社会公共利益、以及宗教信仰三个方面。反对者认为,由于婚姻的生育功能和 教育功能,同性婚姻将会使婚姻失去社会价值;此外,同性婚姻合法化将会带 来的传统婚姻价值观瓦解;宗教信仰,尤其是《圣经》的影响,也是反对同性 婚姻合法化的强烈力量。而赞同理论则认为结婚权属于个人的基本权利和自由; 随着社会观念的变化,婚姻的形式并非一成不变;由于“滑坡理论”的推理逻 辑偏颇,由此得出的同性婚姻合法化将会导致社会道德崩塌的观点是错误的; 宗教多样性也是同性婚姻合法化的支持理论之一。 第二章“同性婚姻的立法模式”是本文研究的重点之一。第二章全景展现 了同性婚姻的四种立法模式,即特别规则、同居伴侣制、注册登记制、婚姻立                                                        1 李银河:《同性恋亚文化》,内蒙古大学出版社 2009 年版,第 32 页。 II  法四种模式。除了婚姻立法赋予同性恋者与异性恋者相同的婚姻权利之外,其 他三种模式下同性伴侣之间的权利都有着不同程度的局限性,即使是在权利人 保护范围最大的注册登记制之下,同性恋群体依然认为非婚姻立法的模式在一 定程度上仅仅是立法者追求和谐法律体系的手段,而非真正的尊重同性恋群体、 赋予同性恋者平等的结婚权。第二章分别介绍了四种模式的基本定义以及典型 国家。其中注册登记制是最具代表性但同时也是最具争议的立法模式,是第二 章介绍的重点部分。 第三章“从经典案例看同性婚姻的人权保护与实践发展”选取了欧洲人权 法院和美国法院作的经典案例入手,纵向展现了判例法体系之下同性婚姻合法 化的发展过程和趋势。第一部分结合《欧洲人权公约》中的第 8 条、第 12 条、 第 14 条等相关条款,归纳了欧洲人权法院经典案例中对待同性婚姻的立场的变 化,并结合国家自由裁量原则指出欧洲人权法院在成员国相关立法方面的间接 的缓慢的作用。第二部分介绍美国同性婚姻合法化的历史进程,结合法院的经 典判例以及正当程序、平等保护等原则在经典案例中的体现;最后部分介绍 Obergefell v. Hodges 一案中自由派和保守派法官的各自观点,对于结婚权是否 属于个人基本权利的主要争议,双重审查标准与“正当程序原则”在判断中起 着决定性作用。自由派法官肯尼迪大法官指出,婚姻作为维系家庭及社会秩序 的基石,在促进人类繁衍生息、保障文明得以延续等方面扮演着不可或缺的角 色。结婚权作为一项基本权利,配偶的权利和义务只有经过缔结婚姻才能得以 实现,绝大多数人都有着强烈的步入婚姻的愿望,实现结婚权下的个人尊严和 自由。在平等原则之下,同性恋群体的结婚权不应当被剥夺。同性婚姻合法化 的过程也是个人权利与国家权力、社会道德的博弈过程。2而保守派罗伯茨大法 官则认为,结婚权仅仅存在于异性之间,同性间的结婚权并不是“根植于国家 历史和传统”中,不属于基本权利3。 第四章的内容对准国内同性恋群体,在传统观念、社会道德以及内心情感 需求的夹缝中艰难生存的人群。在传统观念的重压下,畸形的伴侣婚姻中产生 了“同妻”这个具有中国特色的悲剧性词语。然而,在我国现有的法律制度下,                                                        2 Supreme Court of the United States, Obergefell v. Hodges , 576 U.S.____(2015), para. 22-28. 3 Supreme Court of the United States, Obergefell v. Hodges , 576 U.S.____(2015) (Roberts, C.J., dissenting, at 19-20). III  无论是选择步入传统婚姻的同性恋者,还是伴侣婚姻中的另一方,都处于进退 两难的尴尬的法律境地。同大多数西方国家相比,我国社会和法律对于同性恋 群体的态度更为传统、保守。但是,不可否认的是,在我国存在着庞大的同性 恋群体,而同性恋群体渴望其伴侣之间的感情与结合得到法律承认和保护的诉 求已经不容忽视。诚然,结合我国的实际情况而言,短时期之内实现同性婚姻 合法化存在着很大的障碍困难,但并不代表今后不存在任何可能性。随着社会 制度的完善以及公众认知的发展,面对愈发强烈的同性恋者意图与所爱之人缔 结婚姻的诉求,我们的社会与法律理应愈发包容。而西方社会同性婚姻合法化 的发展模式,也能够为我国相关法律和制度的发展和完善提供一定的借鉴。 关键词:同性婚姻;基本人权;平等保护;法律困境 *


:According to studies and surveys, regardless of cultural backgrounds, homosexual group acs for 3%, even up to 5% of the population. In China, it is estimated there are up to 52 million homosexuals aged from 15 to 60 years old. The huge sub-culture group is just around us, and their voices cannot be ignored.  The rights to marriage and to family are fundamental to individual dignity and freedom. So far, same-sex marriage bills have been approved in 21 ries. Couples enjoy the same rights and responsibilities no matter they are homosexual or heterosexual. In addition, there are other forms of legal recognitions, such as civil union and registered partnership. From perspectives of individual rights and equal protection, this thesis analyzes the relevant provisions of European Convention on Human Rights and classic cases in the US to show the significance of same-sex marriage. There is no dispute on the point that right to marriage is one of the fundamental rights of individual dignity. In the relevant cases of European Court of Human Rights, provisions of “private and family life” in Article 8, “right to marriage” in Article 12, and “prohibition of discrimination” in Article 14 have been cited to support right to gay marriage. One of the main purposes of the Constitution is to defend individual freedom. Under the principles of due process and of equal protection, finally same-sex marriage was legally recognized in the United Stated in the year of 2015, after gays and lesbians had been fighting for nearly half a century.    Chapter One is about disputes on legal recognition of same-sex marriage. People who are against the unconventional marriage argue that marriage will lose its reproductive as well as the educational functions. Morality would collapse, and AIDS and HIV would break out if homosexuals enjoy the same rights as the heterosexuals. The Bible is another overwhelming erview. While right to marriage is fundamental and is a condition of individual freedom is the main reason for legal recognition. As institution of marriage develops, same-sex marriage will be accepted one day. There is a logical mistake in the “slippery scope theory”, and V  same-sex marriage would not lead to collapse of morality. Not all religions forbid homosexuality, Buddhism, for example.  Chapter Two is about legislative modes of same-sex marriage. Mainly there are four types, that is, scattered regulations, registered partnership, civil union, and legalization. There are restrictions of rights in the first three modes, and groups of homosexuals believe that except for legalization, other forms are just compromises made by the government.   Chapter Three is about Human Rights protection and development from the perspective of classic cases, both in European Court of Human Rights and the United States. The first part is about ECtHR. Changes of attitude can be seen from Article 8, Article 12 and Article 14 of European Convention on Human Rights, showing that increasing rights of homosexuals are protected under human rights, though the pace in member state is quite slow under margin of appreciation principle. In the second part, classic cases about same-sex marriage are analyzed, showing finally how it comes to legalization in the US. The case of Obergefell v. Hodges is discussed in the third part. Whether right to gay marriage is fundamental is the major dispute among Justices. Kennedy argues that marriage is fundamental to social order, and right to marriage is fundamental to individual freedom and dignity. While Roberts thinks that right to marriage only exists between a man and a woman, since that of homosexuals is not rooted in the history or tradition of the nation.4  Our attitude towards homosexuals is not as tolerant as that of the western culture. Relationship between gays and lesbians cannot be legally recognized or protected. In fact, homosexuals usually have to enter straight marriages because of tremendous domestic and social pressure. Paradoxically, this kind of “straight marriages” would be badly condemned and the homosexual would never be forgiven. The only solution seems to be single ever after, however, the traditional doctrine of filial piety life-breeding will never allow. Homosexual group in Chinese society is in a legal dilemma.  To an extent, their right to marriage and family is denied. They are                                                         4 Supreme Court of the United States, Obergefell v. Hodges , 576 U.S.____(2015) (Roberts, C.J., dissenting, at 19-20). VI  struggling in the crack between the force of nature and the social expectation.  Considering the actual situation of our society and legal system, it is forable or even impossible to approve same-sex marriage in the near future. However, when we look at the evolvement of legal recognition of same-sex marriage in the western world, we cannot absolutely say that there is no possibility. It is believed that people will show tolerance towards homosexuality gradually, and changes would be made to our legal provisions.      Key words: Same-sex marriage; Human rights; Equal protection; Legal dilemma *


引 言 .................................................... 1 第 1 章 同性婚姻合法化的理论争议 .......................... 4 1.1 反对同性婚姻合法化的理论 .................................... 4 1.1.1 传统婚姻观念 ............................................ 4 1.1.2 社会公共利益 ............................................ 5 1.1.3 宗教信仰 ................................................ 5 1.2 支持同性婚姻合法化的理论 .................................... 6 1.2.1 结婚权是基本人权 ........................................ 6 1.2.2 婚姻形式并非一成不变 .................................... 7 1.2.3 社会公共利益未必受损 .................................... 8 1.2.4 宗教多样性 .............................................. 9 第 2 章 同性婚姻的立法模式 ............................... 11 2.1 特别规则 ................................................... 11 2.2 同居伴侣制 ................................................. 12 2.3 注册登记制 ................................................. 13 2.4 婚姻立法 ................................................... 14 第 3 章 相关案例中同性婚姻的人权保护及实践发展 ........... 16 3.1 欧洲人权法院的判例发展 ...................................... 16 3.1.1 《欧洲人权公约》第 8 条与同性伴侣家庭生活权 ............. 17 3.1.2 《欧洲人权公约》第 12 条与同性伴侣结婚权 ................ 19 3.1.3 《欧洲人权公约》第 14 条反歧视原则 ...................... 21 3.1.4 国家自由裁量原则 ........................................ 22 3.2 美国同性婚姻合法化历程 ...................................... 23 2 3.2.1 同性婚姻合法化的早期发展 ................................ 24 3.2.2 夏威夷州的《互惠法》与联邦政府的《婚姻捍卫法》 .......... 26 3.2.3 美国联邦最高法院 Obergefell v. Hodges 案 ................ 28 第 4 章 中国法律环境下同性恋群体现状及同性婚姻法律困境 ... 32 4.1 同性恋群体的现状 ........................................... 32 4.2 同性恋者的法律困境 ......................................... 33 4.2.1 伴侣婚姻 ................................................ 34 4.2.2 离婚案件中双方尴尬的法律处境 ........................... 35 结 论 ................................................... 37 参考文献 ................................................ 39 致 谢 ................................................... 46 * 论文总页数: * 参考文献:


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