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发布时间:2019-06-26 14:19
【摘要】:《唐律疏议》是我国封建社会的一部系统的伦理化成文法典,它的颁布,标志着中国封建法律伦理化的成熟。中国封建法律的伦理化始于汉初的上请、恤刑制度与汉中期的“引经决狱”,经魏晋南北朝时期的“援礼入律”得到进一步发展和完善,至隋唐时期的“一准乎礼”得以定型。《唐律疏议》全面继承了前朝体现儒家宗法伦理的制度,把孔子提出的“导之以德,齐之以礼”付诸立法实践,确立了“德礼为政教之本,刑罚为政教之用”的法制指导思想。《唐律疏议》之所以成为一部伦理化法典,其原因植根于中国社会的特殊性之中,农耕文明的宗法社会是《唐律疏议》伦理思想形成的社会基础,天人合一的世界观是《唐律疏议》伦理思想形成的思想文化基础,唐初的执政理念则是《唐律疏议》伦理思想形成的理论基础。 《唐律疏议》中含有极为丰富的伦理思想,如仁爱、孝、等级有序、诚信等等。其中德刑并用,刑罚宽平,疑罪从赎,“仁性”狱政,死刑慎行等体现了仁爱的伦理思想;对不孝的规定及惩罚以及对孝行为的保护体现了传统孝伦理;维护皇权专制统治、贵族官僚有罪无刑、良贱异法等规定充分体现了等级有序的伦理思想;对身份问题、对待公私财产、医疗与救治方面、市场交易以及担保等方面的种种规定体现出诚信的伦理思想。而礼法合一、家族主义、情理法相融、义务本位是《唐律疏议》中的基本伦理精神,在婚姻家庭中的一些规定又显示了其特有的开明的伦理精神。 《唐律疏议》的制定,不仅标志着中华法系的最终形成,而且使中国古代法律的精神得到了最充分的体现。这种法律传统与精神经过唐以前历朝的积累沉淀,已经牢牢凝聚于《唐律疏议》中,对国内外封建立法产生了极为深远的影响。《唐律疏议》的伦理精神对宋、元、明、清都产生了深刻的影响,为以后历代刑律的蓝本。各朝在法制建设的指导思想上仍是以礼为纲,礼刑相辅,法律与伦理密切结合。通过唐朝与周边各国频繁通使和文化交流,《唐律疏议》对古代亚洲各国法典亦产生重大影响。古代日本、朝鲜、越南等国的立法,大都摹仿《唐律》。通过探究《唐律疏议》所蕴含的伦理思想,可从深层去把握中国封建法律的价值内涵,有助于沟通现代法律的价值理念和中国传统法律的价值理念,从而加速实现当今所移植法律的本土化,进而实现本土法律的创新,为我国当今法治建设提供有益的参考。
[Abstract]:Tang Law is a systematic ethical code in feudal society of our country, and its promulgation marks the maturity of the ethics of feudal law in China. The ethics of feudal law in China began at the beginning of the Han Dynasty, and the system of penitentiary punishment and the "introduction to prison" in the middle Han Dynasty were further developed and perfected by the "law of aid" in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, and the "one propriety" in the Sui and Tang dynasties was finalized. "Tang Law brief discussion" comprehensively inherited the system of embodying Confucian patriarchal ethics in the former Dynasty, and put Confucius'"guiding by morality, together with propriety" into legislative practice. The legal guiding ideology of "morality is the foundation of politics and education and punishment is the use of politics". The reason why Tang Law is a ethical code is rooted in the particularity of Chinese society. The patriarchal society of farming civilization is the social basis of the formation of the ethical thought of Tang Law, and the world outlook of the unity of heaven and man is the ideological and cultural basis of the formation of the ethical thought of Tang Law. The ruling idea in the early Tang Dynasty was the theoretical basis for the formation of ethical thought in Tang Law. Tang Law is rich in ethical ideas, such as benevolence, filial piety, hierarchy, honesty and so on. Among them, the ethical thought of benevolence is embodied in the combination of virtue and punishment, lenient punishment, redeeming, "benevolence" prison administration, careful execution of death penalty, etc. The provisions of unfilial piety and punishment and the protection of filial piety reflect the traditional filial piety ethics. The maintenance of autocratic rule of imperial power, the guilt and unpunished of aristocratic officials, and the good and unscrupulous laws fully reflect the ethical thought of rank and order. The ethical thought of good faith is embodied in the aspects of identity, treatment of public and private property, medical treatment and treatment, market transaction and guarantee. However, the unity of etiquette and law, family doctrine and rational law are the basic ethical spirit in Tang Law, and some regulations in marriage and family show their unique enlightened ethical spirit. The formulation of Tang Law not only marked the final formation of Chinese legal system, but also fully embodied the spirit of ancient Chinese law. After the accumulation and precipitation of the Tang Dynasty before the Tang Dynasty, this kind of legal tradition and spirit has been firmly condensed in the Tang Law brief discussion, which has a very far-reaching influence on the feudal legislation at home and abroad. The ethical spirit of the Tang Law had a profound influence on the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, which was the blueprint of the criminal law of the later dynasties. In the guiding ideology of legal system construction, the guiding ideology of each dynasty is still based on propriety, courtesy and punishment, and the law and ethics are closely combined. Through the frequent communication and cultural exchanges between the Tang Dynasty and the neighboring countries, the Law of the Tang Dynasty also had a great influence on the codes of ancient Asian countries. In ancient Japan, North Korea, Vietnam and other countries, most of the legislation imitated the laws of the Tang Dynasty. By exploring the ethical thought contained in Tang Law, we can grasp the value connotation of Chinese feudal law from a deep level, which is helpful to communicate the value concept of modern law and the value concept of Chinese traditional law, so as to speed up the realization of the localization of the transferred law, and then realize the innovation of local law, and provide a useful reference for the construction of the rule of law in our country.


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