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发布时间:2020-12-03 09:23
  美国有一种独特的死刑文化,这使她与其它西方发达工业国家有所不同,美国是二十一世纪西方发达工业国家中唯一的还拥有死刑制度的国家;在美国,只要不违背特定的联邦相关法律,每个州都有权自己决定刑罚制度,包括其死刑制度。但是,死刑这一殖民统治时期从英国殖民统治者那儿顺承下来的传统,不仅对美国国内社会文化环境和国际交往带来不良影响,还会威胁到美国人为之自豪的民主制度。死刑到底应该保留还是废除,在美国国内有激烈的争论。为什么死刑存废在美国国内引起如此激烈的争论?而一个无可辩驳的事实是美国的死刑制度一直延续到了今天,但是另一个明显的迹象就是进入二十一世纪以来,美国民众对死刑制度的支持率正在降低,美国的死刑使用在逐步地减少。这使人们不禁要问,为什么死刑制度可以长时期在美国存在?哪些因素导致了美国的死刑制度陷于困境?美国的死刑制度在未来将会如何发展?本篇论文从美国文化和社会的角度分析了美国的死刑问题,并对以上一些问题做出了解答。 论文分为八章。 第一章 美国死刑情况概述。该章对美国的死刑情况做出了总体的描绘,描述了美国死刑制度的现状并且分析了它的成因。 第二章 美国死刑的历史和演变。该章... 

【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:61 页


Chapter One: An Overview of the U.S. Death Penalty Status
    Ⅰ. The Uniqueness of the Present U.S. Death Penalty Status
        1. The Fluctuations of Death Row Population
        2. The Fluctuations of the Number of Executions
        3. Changes in Ratios between Executions and Death Row Population
    Ⅱ. The Cause for Such Uniqueness of the Present Status
Chapter Two: The History and Evolution of the U.S. Death Penalty
    Ⅰ. A Brief History of the U.S. Death Penalty
        1. Colonial America to the 1780s
        2. 1789 to the Late 1950s
        3. 1960s to Present
    Ⅱ. The Evolution of the U.S. Death Penalty
        1. Reducing the Variety of Capital Statutes
        2. Ensuring Fairness and Rationality of the Death Sentences
        3. Humanizing the Methods of Execution
        4. Ending Public Executions
Chapter Three: The Long-standing U.S. Death Penalty
    Ⅰ. The Influence of the Federal System
    Ⅱ. The Legacies of the Vigilante Tradition
Chapter Four: Factors Weakening the U.S. Death Penalty as a Criminal Punishment
    Ⅰ. The Judicial Justice Factor
        1. The Arbitrariness of the U.S. Death Penalty
            1.1 Racial Discrimination
            1.2 Gender Bias
            1.3 Geography Disparities
        2.The Increasing Danger of Executing the Innocent of the U.S.Death Penalty
    Ⅱ.The Efficiency Factor
        1.The High Financial Costs of the U.S.Death Penalty
        2.No Efficient Deterrence Value of the U.S.Death Penalty
        3.The Replaceable Retribution Function of the U.S.Death Penalty
    Ⅲ.The Social Factor
        1.Damage to Democratic Political Institutions of the U.S.Death Penalty
        2.Damage to American Culture of the U.S.Death Penalty
Chapter Five:American Attitudes towards the Death Penalty
    Ⅰ.The Uncertainty of the American Public Support for the Death Penalty
    Ⅱ.American Public Peculiar Attitudes towards the Death Penalty
        1.The Mixed Feelings about the Death Penalty of the American Public
        2.The Conflict of Due Process Tradition and Vigilant Tradition
    Ⅲ.The Change in American Public Attitude towards the Death Penalty
        1.More Americans Preferring an Alternative to Executions When Given an Option
        2.Reasons for the Shift of the Attitude
Chapter Six:International Influence on the U.S.Death Penalty
    Ⅰ.International Influence in the Past
    Ⅱ.Broader Intersection of Foreign and U.S.Interests
    Ⅲ.Future Impact of International Influence on the U.S.Death Penalty
Chapter Seven:The Future Trend of the U.S.Death Penalty
    Ⅰ.The Contradictory 1990s
        1.The Contradictory 1990s
        2.The Influence of the 1990s
    Ⅱ.The Beginning of the End of Executions
        1.A Moratorium Strategy
        2.Important Decisions of the U.S.Supreme Court
    Ⅲ.The End of Executions in the End
Chapter Eight:Conclusion

[1]死刑存废问题研究[D]. 谭明星.河南师范大学 2015




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