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发布时间:2022-01-27 01:55
  本文意图通过以话语话题为分析单位对中国法庭刑事审判讯问阶段的话题组织进行分析,突显话题分析作为一种话语分析方法的作用,揭示话题分析在分析法庭审判话语中的实用价值。并期望通过实例分析,得出某些对中国法庭审判具有参考性的意见。 国内有关话题的研究大多限于探讨句法话题,即将话题作为句法成分或语法成分来研究。有关话语话题,即在超句层面上研究话题的文章并不多见。而国外学者将话语话题作为分析单位来分析话语取得了不少具有实用价值的发现。 本文借助于Jan Svennevig分析日常会话就话题谈论的四项原则,以描述性和解释性相结合的方法,分析了转写的两场中国刑事审判讯问阶段中话题的组织。 文章第一部分通过回顾,总结国内外已有的研究,揭示了话题分析在各个领域,尤其是法律语言学中的作用,指出了国内在此研究领域的不足。文章第二部分简要介绍了本文的研究方法,所用语料的来源及相关内容。第三部分探讨了中国刑审讯问阶段话语话题所具备的特征,并由此界定了相关的术语:程序性话题,实体性话题,上层话题和基层话题,为下文主体部分的论述打下了基础。文章第四部分论述了刑审讯问阶段话题组织的三个方面:话题的导入... 


【文章页数】:74 页


Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
1. Introduction
    1.1 Terminology
    1.2 Topic as a tool for segmentation
    1.3 Problems in taking topic as an analytic unit
    1.4 Review of current researches about topic
2. Research Method and Data Description
    2.1 Research method
    2.2 Data description
3. The Features of Topics in the Courtroom Questioning
    3.1 The distinction of procedural topics and substantial topics
    3.2 The hierarchical structure of topics
    3.3 The forms of procedural topics, super topics and basic-level topics
4. The Analysis of Topic Manipulation in Courtroom Questioning
    4.1 The analysis of topic introduction and ratification
        4.1.1 Topic introduction and ratification in daily conversations
        4.1.2 Topic introduction and ratification in courtroom questioning
   The introduction and ratification of basic-level topics
   The introduction and ratification of super topics
        4.1.3 Implication for courtroom questioning
    4.2 The analysis of topic recalling
        4.2.1 Reasons for topic recalling
        4.2.2 Implication for courtroom questioning
    4.3 The analysis of topic ending and topic shift
        4.3.1 Topic ending and topic shift in daily conversations
        4.3.2 Topic shift in courtroom questioning when the topic in progress is properly ended
   Questioners' strategy of repetition to end the topic in progress
   Questioners' strategy of reformulation to end the topic in progress
   Implication for courtroom questioning
        4.3.3 Topic shift in courtroom questioning when the current topic is still in progress
   The situations when topic shift occurs while the current topic is still in progress
   Implication for courtroom questioning
5. Conclusion

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