[Abstract]:The reform of enterprise separation is an important means for the transformation from traditional state-owned enterprises to modern enterprise systems. As the current legislation and judicial interpretations are too negligent and unreasonable, the practice of enterprise separation operations is extremely chaotic and non-standard, and the phenomenon of malicious infringement of creditors' rights and interests in the name of enterprise separation reform is also common. But the judicial judgment basis also appears to be seriously insufficient. The urgent task is to supplement, amend and perfect the relevant norms, including the new Company Law, on the basis of the general legislation of countries and regions in the world, so that the system of separation of enterprises or division of companies can truly balance shareholders. In order to consolidate and promote the successful achievements of the reform of state-owned enterprises, the interests of creditors should be standardized and the practical operation of separation of enterprises should be standardized.
【作者单位】: 襄樊学院 湖南财经高等专科学校
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