[Abstract]:The legal standard is the core problem in the system of diligent duty of directors. Although the company law of our country clarifies the duty of diligence of directors, the obligation may be fictitious because of the lack of corresponding stipulation in the legal standard. Therefore, in order to make the duty of diligence to be able to restrain the director's behavior, it is necessary to establish specific legal standards. The standard of rational person is the root problem in the legal standard system of director's diligence and obligation. From this point of view and from the angle of legal methodology, this paper discusses the correct definition method of "rational person standard", compares the advantages and disadvantages of various models of diligent obligation standard, and summarizes the concrete contents of the legal standard of director's diligence obligation. It provides a reasonable behavior model for the directors to perform their duty of diligence, and also provides a detailed judicial review standard for judges to hear such cases, so that the management activities of directors can bring the greatest benefit to the company. Following the above ideas, the full text is divided into four parts. The first part mainly discusses the essence and defining method of the legal standard of diligence obligation. On the premise of insisting on the assumption that diligence comes from the "rational person" in tort law, this paper summarizes three characteristics of the legal standard of diligence: common standard, concrete standard and prior standard. These characteristics bring a logical problem to the definition of the legal standard of diligence obligation: the contradiction between the abstraction of commercial law norms and the operation of commercial practice. In the system of diligent duty of directors, this contradiction is mainly manifested in the separation of standards of conduct and standards of judicial review. Therefore, we must combine the standards of conduct with the standards of judicial review to define the specific content of diligence obligations. The second part mainly compares the three models of the legal standard of diligence obligation. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the subjective standard model and the objective standard model, the author puts forward the model that should be adhered to in the legal standard of diligence obligation in modern corporate governance. This paper holds that, in determining the model of the legal standard of diligence obligation, the objective standard should be taken as the general standard and the subjective standard as the supplementary standard, and at the same time it should be adjusted through other legal documents. The third part defines the legal standard of director's diligence from two aspects: the standard of conduct and the standard of judicial review. Specifically, the standards of diligence can be defined from two aspects: subjective mentality and external behavior, while judicial review standards can be summed up as time and attention standards, standards of prudence and reliance standards. The standard of conduct is the behavior pattern of the director to fulfill the duty of diligence, and the standard of judicial review is the basic criterion for judge to judge the performance of the duty of diligence. The fourth part is the perfection of the legal standard of diligence obligation in our country. In view of the unreasonable standards of diligent conduct of directors in China and the lack of judicial standards, some suggestions are put forward to perfect the legal standards of diligence and obligation in China. The main measures to improve the standards of diligent and compulsory conduct include: increasing the regulations on the directors' subjective mentality, stipulating the directors' basic skill requirements, improving the system of directors' attendance at the directors' meetings, emphasizing the directors' access to company information, and improving the system of directors' attendance at the directors' meetings. Clear supervision obligations of directors, etc. As for the introduction of the standards of diligent judicial review, this paper holds that we should consider the actual situation of the process of corporate governance and the rule of law in our country, and introduce the standards of judicial review through the combination of jurisprudence and judicial interpretation.
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