[Abstract]:The Company Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "Company Law") has obvious mandatory characteristics. It was promulgated and implemented in 1993, first revised in 1999, revised twice in 2004 and amended in 2005. Because of the late introduction of company and company law in our country, the method of corporate governance is not mature, and the management of company is more inclined to government regulation, which includes not only the method of government regulation, but also the development goal. The development of policies and corporate structures, and so on, also includes a mandatory judicial control of companies. This paper analyzes the theoretical controversy and legislative policy of "government regulation" in the company law, puts forward the discussion problems based on the regulatory experience of the western developed countries and the deficiencies in our company law, and probes into the influence of the legislative policy on the company law.
【作者单位】: 吉林财经大学;
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