[Abstract]:The emergence and development of enterprise group as a modern form of enterprise union in China has played a great role in optimizing the allocation of resources and perfecting the industrial organization structure. However, we should also see that there are still many problems for us to study and solve. These problems, with the deepening of reform and the establishment of a modern enterprise system will become more prominent, mainly as follows: 1. How to understand the meaning of enterprise group? What are the types and patterns of enterprise groups? 2. How to correctly handle the right, responsibility and benefit relationship between the group company and its members, arouse the enthusiasm of two aspects, and improve the cohesive force of the enterprise group? 3. How to reform and perfect the enterprise group through the implementation of the Company Law to establish the corporate legal person system? 4. How does the enterprise group accept the "authorized operation" of the national owner? How to deal with the relationship between parent and subsidiary companies and so on. In order to promote the healthy development of enterprise groups, the journal will take the opportunity of opening a column on "problem discussion" to publish an article by Jinan Automobile General Factory, and will launch a discussion on "how to run a good Enterprise Group" around the above issues, welcoming enterprise groups and member enterprises, Government management departments and theorists actively participated in the discussion, open their minds. Contributions strive for a clear-cut, well-founded, generally in about 4000 words.
【作者单位】: 济南汽车制造总厂政策研究室
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