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发布时间:2018-10-30 15:02
【摘要】:股东派生诉讼制度作为一项对少数股东权的实行保护的制度,在英美国家产生发展并传播与世界各地至今已有一百多年的历史,成为世界各国现代公司法上的救济体系中不可或缺的组成部分,其主要目的在于保护资本大多数原则下被忽视的中小股东,其在保护中小股东权益和完善公司治理结构方面起着至关重要的作用。但是,这并不意味着这是一项完美无缺的制度,各国只有根据自己的国情设立适合本国土壤的股东派生诉讼制度才能最大程度的实现这一制度的价值。 我国《公司法》在2005年修订时也不例外的引进了这一制度,在股东派生诉讼制度的建构方面,我国已经开始慢慢向国际接轨。作为从外国立法移植的一种制度,由于没有其他相关法律制度的配套规定,难免会在中国这块法律土壤中产生短暂的水土不服现象,例如:前置程序制度的设计、法律对原告的具体要求、诉讼费用的承担等等。所以,决定股东派生诉讼制度在我国能否发挥其应有的作用的最重要的因素就在于今后我国立法和司法实践中的不断完善程度。 在股东派生诉讼在我国建立不久的今天,及时完善这一制度对我国的法治建设和经济发展都有着极为重要的意义,不仅能使我国公司法的体系得到进一步的完善;更为重要的是,这一制度的完善能极大程度的完善公司法人的治理结构,有力的保护公司特别是上市公司中的广大中小股东的利益。具体地说应当从股东派生诉讼的当事人制度、约束与激励机制三个方面对我国股东派生诉讼制度进行进一步的完善。
[Abstract]:As a system to protect minority shareholders' rights, the system of shareholder derivative litigation has been developed and disseminated in the Anglo-American countries for more than one hundred years. It has become an indispensable part of the relief system in the modern company law of various countries in the world. Its main purpose is to protect the minority shareholders who are neglected under the principle of the majority of capital. It plays a vital role in protecting the rights and interests of minority shareholders and perfecting the corporate governance structure. However, this does not mean that this is a perfect system, each country only according to their own national conditions to establish a suitable for their own soil shareholder derivative litigation system in order to maximize the realization of the value of this system. In 2005, the Company Law of our country introduced this system without exception. In the aspect of the construction of the shareholder derivative litigation system, our country has begun to connect with the international system slowly. As a system transplanted from foreign legislation, because there are no supporting provisions of other relevant legal systems, it is inevitable that there will be a temporary phenomenon of resistance in the legal soil of China, such as the design of the pre-procedure system. The specific requirements of the law for the plaintiff, the cost of litigation and so on. Therefore, the most important factor to determine whether the shareholder derivative litigation system can play its due role in our country lies in the continuous perfection of our country's legislation and judicial practice in the future. As the shareholder derivative litigation is not long established in our country, it is very important to perfect this system in time for the construction of the rule of law and the economic development of our country, not only can make the system of company law of our country get further perfect; More importantly, the perfection of this system can greatly improve the corporate governance structure and protect the interests of the majority of minority shareholders in the listed companies. In particular, the system of shareholder derivative action should be further improved from three aspects: the party system of shareholder derivative action, the restraint mechanism and the incentive mechanism.


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