发布时间:2018-11-28 10:36
【摘要】:改革开放三十余年来,民营企业获得了蓬勃发展,其承担社会责任的情况也日益受到了关注。民营企业是在特定的经济背景下应运而生的经济法律关系主体,是我国经济生活中重要的组成部分,它们承担社会责任的情况,不仅会对其自身利益产生影响,更会对整个社会产生影响。经济法是社会本位的法,其目标在于促进社会经济平稳协调发展,因而必须对民营企业承担社会责任的行为进行规制与调控。民营企业应在经济法社会本位理念下,将自己作为社会的组成部分,承担相应的社会责任,通过提高社会整体利益,缩小两极分化,进而提升自己的经济利益与社会地位。我国关于民营企业社会责任的理论研究起步较晚,而此方面的法律规定与实践机制又存在许多“真空地带”,致使民营企业承担社会责任状况不佳,引起社会一片质疑之声。长此以往,既不利于民营企业自身的健康成长,又不利于我国社会主义和谐社会的建设。 本文试图通过对民营企业承担社会责任的理论基础的概述、民营企业承担社会责任现状的辨析及民营企业承担社会责任约束与激励机制的完善这三部分内容,在对民营企业社会责任的含义进行廓清,并通过分析其现状问题,找到症结所在之后,提出行之有效的民营企业承担社会责任的法律与政策约束、激励机制。 第一部分民营企业承担社会责任的理论基础,首先明确民营企业的概念是:由个人或非公法人出资并经营管理的,以独资企业、合伙企业或公司为组织形式的企业。继而阐明民营企业社会责任是指:民营企业应对国家、政府、社会公众、合同相对人、企业雇员、生态环境等利益相关者承担的法律与道德责任。同时强调,民营企业的社会责任有其特殊性,须与国营企业社会责任及《公司法》所规定之公司社会责任相区别。厘清概念思路后,分析我国民营企业履行社会责任在经济学、政治学、法学层面的意义。 第二部分我国民营企业承担社会责任的现状辨析,首先对我国民营企业承担社会责任的法律依据进行辨析,结论是:从总体上看,我国在民营企业社会责任方面有法可依,但法条零散、各自为政,且许多条文年代久远,已有增删修订之必要。接下来结合作者参与的民营企业履行社会责任统计结果及相关案例进行辨析,发现我国民营企业在对雇员的内部管理中,在劳动合同签订、违法超时加班加点、社会保障不足及其它侵犯雇员合法权益等方面问题突出;在对外活动中,质量问题、不正当竞争问题、破坏生态环境问题及从事公益事业动力不足问题值得密切关注。这些问题暴露了我国在民营企业社会责任约束与激励机制上的不足,需要在下一阶段予以完善。 第三部分我国民营企业承担社会责任约束与激励机制的完善,首先对我国民营企业社会责任缺失的原因进行了辨析:内因主要是民营企业受自身素质与发展阶段限制影响较大,具体而言:民营企业对自身所应承担的社会责任的认识存在偏差;民营企业内部组织制度建设不够完善;民营企业承担社会责任的能力尚须提高。外因则主要是我国在体制与法律法规政策方面存在不完善之处、执法与监督力度不足,未能营造一个适宜民营企业履行社会责任的大环境,详言之包括以下几点:我国正处于市场经济的变革时期,经济体制改革尚在进行中,政府政策存在较大不确定性;我国关于企业社会责任方面的法律法规依然存在较多“灰色地带”;政府有关部门执法不严,有法不依更使得企业社会责任的落实雪上加霜;社会大众监督体制尚未建立起来;企业社会责任标准认证制度缺失。 针对上述问题,在参考美国、日本、德国等国的相关制度建设并予以分析后,我们认为,要完善民营企业承担社会责任的约束与激励机制,重点要运用法律规范进行约束,具体包括:建立健全企业社会责任法律法规体系;加大对民营企业承担社会责任的监察、执法力度。同时也要多管齐下,综合入手,充分发挥工商业联合会等非政府组织的引导、促进作用;构建民营企业承担社会责任的激励机制。 本文从民营企业这一经济法主体角度入手,对民营企业社会责任与国营企业社会责任及《公司法》规定中的公司社会责任概念进行比较分析,力求找准民营企业在社会责任承担中的定位与范围,以期在完善其法律约束与激励机制时做到全面与适度。在构建民营企业承担社会责任的激励与约束机制时,秉承经济法社会本位理念,注重将民营企业作为社会整体利益实现的重要组成部分,通过工商业联合会之“光彩事业”中法治与德治相结合、他律与自律共发展的社会责任承担模式,促进民营企业社会责任的承担,进而有利于民营企业可持续发展的观点与论证分析,是本文的特殊与独到之处。不妥之处,敬请各位老师批评指正。
[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of reform and opening-up, private enterprises have gained a vigorous development, and the situation of social responsibility has become more and more concerned. The private enterprise is the main body of economic law that emerges under the specific economic background, is an important part of our country's economic life, and they assume social responsibility, not only have the influence on their own interests, but also have an impact on the society as a whole. Economic law is the method of social standard, and its goal is to promote the stable and harmonious development of the social economy, so it is necessary to regulate and control the behavior of the private enterprise to take the social responsibility. The private enterprise should, under the concept of the social standard of economic law, take its own as an integral part of the society and take the corresponding social responsibility. By improving the overall interests of the society, the private enterprise can reduce the polarization of the two poles, and further improve the economic and social status of the private enterprise. The theoretical research on the social responsibility of the private enterprises is very late, and there are many 鈥渧acuum zone鈥,
[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of reform and opening-up, private enterprises have gained a vigorous development, and the situation of social responsibility has become more and more concerned. The private enterprise is the main body of economic law that emerges under the specific economic background, is an important part of our country's economic life, and they assume social responsibility, not only have the influence on their own interests, but also have an impact on the society as a whole. Economic law is the method of social standard, and its goal is to promote the stable and harmonious development of the social economy, so it is necessary to regulate and control the behavior of the private enterprise to take the social responsibility. The private enterprise should, under the concept of the social standard of economic law, take its own as an integral part of the society and take the corresponding social responsibility. By improving the overall interests of the society, the private enterprise can reduce the polarization of the two poles, and further improve the economic and social status of the private enterprise. The theoretical research on the social responsibility of the private enterprises is very late, and there are many 鈥渧acuum zone鈥,