[Abstract]:As an important external corporate governance structure, the shareholder derivative litigation system, together with the internal corporate governance structure, maximizes the realization of the ideal state of the company. The shareholder's dual derivative action is an extension of the shareholder's ordinary derivative action, which exists in the field of affiliated enterprises with control and subordination. A derivative action brought on behalf of a subordinate company by the controlling shareholder in his own name for the benefit of a subordinate company. Because the right of action is passed through two levels, it is called shareholder double derivative action. In recent years, with the rapid development of affiliated enterprises, more and more affiliated companies and shareholders in the infringement cases, the interests of subordinate companies and shareholders of the protection of serious problems. In this case, it will inevitably affect the normal business activities of the company and lead to the difficulty of achieving the goal of corporate governance. Therefore, it is imperative to protect the interests of subordinate companies and shareholders from being infringed and to provide adequate relief to them. The construction of shareholder dual derivative litigation system is one of the important parts. At present, there is no specific regulation of the double derivative litigation system of shareholders in our country. Relying on the provisions of Article 152 of the Company Law, it can not meet the needs of the protection of the interests of the company and the interests of the shareholders. Therefore, this paper probes into the construction of shareholder dual derivative litigation system. The thesis is divided into six parts, including: chapter one: the introduction part mainly points out the background and significance of the paper research, the current domestic and foreign research status of this topic and the case analysis method used in this paper. Comparative analysis and empirical analysis. The second chapter: the summary of shareholder double derivative litigation system. This paper mainly introduces the basic problems of shareholder double derivative litigation, including concept, characteristics, theoretical basis and institutional value shareholder double derivative litigation. The third chapter discusses the status quo of minority shareholders' rights protection in affiliated companies at home and abroad, and expounds the existing problems of shareholder dual derivative litigation system. And put forward own opinion on the necessity and feasibility of shareholder double derivative litigation in practice. Chapter four: based on the empirical review of the application and effect of shareholder derivative action at home and abroad, and referring to the judicial practice of ordinary derivative action, the author predicts the application and effect of shareholder derivative litigation system. And judge the system design direction which is more favorable to the convenience and practical effect of the company and shareholders' interests protection. Chapter five: on the basis of the above, it clarifies again the important role of shareholder double derivative litigation in protecting the interests of subordinate company and shareholders, and expounds the concrete suggestions on the design of shareholder double derivative litigation system in our country.
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