本文关键词: 海洋生态保护补偿 补偿主体 补偿标准 配套制度体系 出处:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The compensation system for marine ecological protection refers to the marine users or beneficiaries in accordance with the laws and regulations of the case. A system of economic subsidies to owners of marine resources or those who pay for the protection of the marine ecological environment in activities for the exploitation and utilization of marine resources. The purpose of the marine ecological compensation system is to make the marine ecological resources be moderately exploited, utilized and protected. In order to achieve the coordination between marine economic development and ecological environment, with the rapid development of China's economy. Land resources have been unable to meet the needs of human beings. Extensive exploitation and utilization of marine resources have caused serious damage to the marine ecological environment, although the advantages of marine ecological protection and compensation system are obvious. But in reality, people have not paid enough attention to it. Specifically, there are some defects and problems in legislation and practice, which need to be further improved. So far. The implementation of this system has not completely achieved satisfactory results, nor has it really achieved the purpose of protecting the marine ecological environment. This paper will focus on the marine ecological protection compensation system for a more systematic and in-depth analysis. In order to provide a new idea for the construction of marine ecological protection compensation system in China. This paper will mainly discuss from the following aspects. First of all. This paper will briefly introduce and analyze the current situation and existing problems of marine ecological protection compensation system, including legislation and practice, clear its legal connotation, understand its shortcomings in legislation and practice; Secondly, the comparative analysis of the marine ecological system of foreign typical countries, here will focus on the experience of the United States and Japan, because these two countries in the construction of this system is relatively successful. Good results are achieved; Thirdly, according to the existing problems of our country and on the basis of learning from the experience of other countries, this paper puts forward specific countermeasures for the construction of marine ecological compensation system in China, including the main body, scope and standard of compensation. Only when these concepts and methods are defined, can the system be better implemented and implemented; Finally, this paper will also introduce and analyze the corresponding supporting system, and put forward corresponding suggestions, in order to better cooperate with the implementation and improvement of this system.
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