本文选题:环境知情权 切入点:环境知情权限制 出处:《浙江农林大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:全世界范围内环境问题日益突出,公众参与环境保护的意识不断提高,对于实现环境知情权提出了现实的要求;环境民主和环境法制的发展,为环境知情权的实现提供了理论依据。保障公众环境知情权是服务型政府的必然要求,是维护公众的环境权益,促进环境民主进程的重要方面,也是我国环境法治体系与世界接轨的标准之一。随着对人民主权、企业社会责任以及环境民主等理论研究的深入和我国立法与法律实践的新变化,亟待我们对环境知情权进一步深入研究,以及在权利保护上做必要的修正完善。 文章就是基于此研究背景,从如何有效实现公众的环境知情权入手,提出环境知情权的法律保护这一主题。我国的环境信息公开法制建设虽然已经取得明显的进步,但仍然存在严重缺陷。环境知情权的基本问题并未解决,公民如何获取信息?哪些信息应当公开?获取信息的途径和程序如何规定?以及信息公开不充分导致的权利救济如何展开?政府和企业作为利益主体在保护环境知情权方面为何滞后等等,这些问题的未解决导致我国环境知情权还得不到有效的保障,影响我国环境信息公开制度和环境法制建设的进程。文章首先对环境知情权权利本身的基本理论问题做一个系统分析,指出环境知情权应当作为公民基本权利这一个法律界定,以明确环境知情权的法律地位以及对公众参与环境保护以及完善环境信息公开制度所发挥的基础性作用。考虑到环境知情权的提出是随着国际公约和其他发达国家重视理念而不断发展,并且非常重视对公众环境知情权的保护,以法律的形式建立环境知情权保障体系已成为国外环境保护工作的重要特点。一些发达国家通过建立专门的环境信息公开法的形式在实践中也更具有操作性,对我国环境知情权的法律保护具有较好的借鉴。因此,通过借鉴国外发达国家的先进经验,对我国的环境知情权立法进行规划与创新,提出了构建我国环境知情权法律保护的一些基本对策,重点从程序立法保障和司法救济方面总结经验,推动整个环境信息公开法治建设的发展。
[Abstract]:Environmental problems are becoming more and more prominent in the world, and the awareness of public participation in environmental protection is increasing, which has put forward realistic requirements for the realization of the right to know about the environment; the development of environmental democracy and environmental legal system, It provides a theoretical basis for the realization of the right to know about the environment. Protecting the right to know of the public is the inevitable requirement of the service-oriented government, and it is an important aspect of safeguarding the environmental rights and interests of the public and promoting the process of environmental democracy. It is also one of the standards of our environmental legal system in line with the world. With the deepening of theoretical research on people's sovereignty, corporate social responsibility and environmental democracy, and the new changes in our legislation and legal practice, It is urgent for us to make further research on the right to know, and to make necessary amendment and perfection in the protection of the right. This article is based on this research background, starting with how to effectively realize the public's right to know about the environment, and puts forward the theme of the legal protection of the right to know about the environment. Although the legal construction of environmental information disclosure in our country has made obvious progress, However, there are still serious defects. The basic problem of the right to know has not been solved. How can citizens obtain information? What information should be made public? What are the channels and procedures for obtaining information? And how to carry out the right relief caused by insufficient information disclosure? Why is the government and enterprises lagging behind in protecting the right to know about the environment as the main body of interests? the unresolved problems lead to the lack of effective protection of the right to know of the environment in our country. This paper first makes a systematic analysis of the basic theoretical issues of the right to know about the environment, and points out that the right to know should be regarded as the legal definition of the basic right of citizens. In order to clarify the legal status of the right to know the environment and the basic role of public participation in environmental protection and improvement of environmental information disclosure system. Considering that the right to know of the environment is proposed along with international conventions and other developed countries. Family attaches importance to the concept and continues to develop, And attach great importance to the protection of the public's right to know about the environment, The establishment of environmental information protection system in the form of law has become an important feature of environmental protection work abroad. Some developed countries also have more maneuverability in practice by establishing special environmental information disclosure laws. Therefore, through drawing lessons from the advanced experience of foreign developed countries, this paper plans and innovates the legislation of environmental right to know in our country. This paper puts forward some basic countermeasures for constructing the legal protection of the right to know of the environment in our country, especially sums up the experience from the aspects of procedural legislative protection and judicial relief, and promotes the development of the rule of law construction of the whole environmental information publicity.
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