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发布时间:2018-03-30 14:06

  本文选题:周边国家 切入点:海洋执法 出处:《中国海洋大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 海洋是地球环境和气候变化的调节器,以其丰富的资源、广阔的空间,成为全球生命支持系统的重要组成部分,也是世界各个国家可持续发展的宝贵财富和战略空间。随着经济社会的不断发展,人类对海洋的价值的认识逐步深入,对海洋的开发利用方式也朝着多元化方向发展,对海洋的保护意识也日益增强,海洋权益的地位也越来越重要,因此当今世界各国也都更加重视海洋的战略地位及其重大价值。海洋执法实践是维护国家海洋主权,促进国家经济发展,保护国家海洋环境,保障国家安全的重要手段。国外有关海上执法力量建设的研究较多,但许多是在资本主义背景下论述的,不适合我国国情,因此我国不能完全照搬,只能在我国海洋执法实践的基础上,结合我国的具体国情加以借鉴。我国研究海洋执法的学者也仅限于中国海洋大学、中国政法大学、厦门大学等高校和国家海洋局、中国社会科学院法学所等研究机构,这些学者比较全面地分析了我国海洋执法存在的问题,但提出的建议大多属于原则性的,可操作性不强。近年来,我国周边国家为了获得更多的海洋权益,都加强了海洋立法和海上执法机构的建设。日本和韩国是我国周边国家中海洋执法力量较强的国家,他们的海上执法机构分别是海上保安厅和海洋警察厅。菲律宾和越南近几年也加强了海洋立法和海上执法力量的建设,相比较而言,我国海洋执法的法律依据不完善,执法管理权较分散,海上执法力量比较落后,所以,当前我国所面临的海洋维权形势也会更加严峻和复杂。如何在我国现有的海上执法力量的基础上,通过比较和总结日本、韩国、越南,菲律宾这四个国家海洋执法实践经验,提出有利于我国海洋执法的对策和建议,这是本文需要研究的重要课题。 在体例结构上,本文由七部分组成。第一章简单介绍了本文的研究目的和研究意义;第二章至第五章分别介绍了日本、韩国、越南,菲律宾这四个国家海洋执法的管理体制、立法情况,执法机构的情况;第六章将我国与这周边四个国家海洋执法的体制、立法,机构进行比较与总结;第七章首先说明了我国海洋执法存在的问题,其次对我国借鉴周边国家海洋执法经验进行了必要性和可行性分析;最后重点针对我国海洋执法体制的现状,提出构建我国海洋执法体制的对策和建议。 本文不仅对加强我国海洋执法实践有重要意义,而且对维护我国海洋权益并处理好与周边国家的关系有重要意义。
[Abstract]:The oceans, which are the regulators of the Earth's environment and climate change, with their rich resources and vast space, have become an important component of the global life support system, It is also a valuable wealth and strategic space for the sustainable development of every country in the world. With the continuous development of economy and society, human beings gradually deepen their understanding of the value of the ocean, and the ways of exploitation and utilization of the ocean also develop in a pluralistic direction. The awareness of the protection of the ocean is also increasing, and the status of the rights and interests of the sea is becoming more and more important. Therefore, all countries in the world now attach more importance to the strategic position of the ocean and its great value. The practice of ocean law enforcement is to safeguard national maritime sovereignty, Important means to promote national economic development, protect national marine environment, and safeguard national security. There are more studies abroad on the construction of maritime law enforcement forces, but many of them are discussed under the background of capitalism and are not suitable for the national conditions of our country. Therefore, our country can not copy completely, can only use for reference on the basis of our country's marine law enforcement practice, combined with our country's specific national conditions. The scholars who study marine law enforcement in our country are also limited to China Ocean University, China University of political Science and Law, Xiamen University, the State Oceanic Administration and other research institutions, such as the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, have comprehensively analyzed the problems existing in marine law enforcement in China, but most of the suggestions made are principled. Maneuverability is not strong. In recent years, in order to obtain more maritime rights and interests, China's neighboring countries have strengthened the construction of maritime legislation and maritime law enforcement agencies. Japan and South Korea are the countries with strong maritime law enforcement power among the neighboring countries of our country. Their maritime law enforcement agencies are respectively the Coast Guard and the Marine Police Agency. In recent years, the Philippines and Vietnam have also strengthened the building of maritime legislation and maritime law enforcement forces. In comparison, the legal basis for maritime law enforcement in China is not perfect. The power of law enforcement and management is relatively dispersed, and the maritime law enforcement forces are relatively backward. Therefore, the current marine rights protection situation facing our country will also be more severe and complex. How to compare and sum up Japan on the basis of the existing maritime law enforcement forces in our country? The practical experience of maritime law enforcement in South Korea, Vietnam and Philippines is an important subject to be studied in this paper. In terms of style structure, this paper is composed of seven parts. The first chapter briefly introduces the purpose and significance of the research, and the second to fifth chapters introduce the management system of maritime law enforcement in Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Philippines respectively. The sixth chapter compares and summarizes the maritime law enforcement systems, legislation and institutions between China and the four surrounding countries. Chapter VII first explains the problems existing in the enforcement of maritime law in China. Secondly, the paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of our country to draw lessons from the marine law enforcement experience of the neighboring countries. Finally, it puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to construct the marine law enforcement system in view of the present situation of our country's marine law enforcement system. This paper is of great significance not only to strengthen the practice of maritime law enforcement in China, but also to safeguard our maritime rights and interests and to handle the relationship with the neighboring countries.


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