本文选题:自然资源损害 + 生态利益 ; 参考:《江西理工大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:自然资源损害是有别于传统损害(人身损害、财产损害或精神损害)的一种自然资源本身的新型损害。它是指因产业活动或其他人为原因导致的人类生存和发展所必需依赖的自然资源的物理、化学或生物性能的重大显著的不利变化,或者直接或间接出现的对自然资源生态功能的重大的损伤、损坏和毁灭。与传统损害相比,此种新型损害有其自身的特殊性。自然资源损害救济游离于法律救济体系之外,使自然资源遭到肆意的损伤却往往得不到法律的救济。自然资源损害责任的认定、自然资源损害的量化、自然资源的恢复都缺乏相应的法律制度规范。对此,本文通过分析我国自然资源损害的典型案例,借鉴国外主要国家的自然资源损害救济法律经验,从自然资源损害责任认定、明确自然资源救济主体、拓宽法律救济方式、建立自然资源损害评估制度和环境公益诉讼制度等方面构建我国自然资源损害救济制度。 本文包括以下四章: 第一章主要介绍自然资源损害的定义、特征和实质。自然资源损害是有别于传统损害(人身损害、财产损害或精神损害)的一种新型损害。与传统损害相比,自然资源损害的对象为自然资源本身;受损主体具有不特定性和广泛性;损害后果具有无形性、难以恢复性和长期潜伏性。自然资源损害本质上是一种公共环境利益的损害。 第二章分析了我国自然资源损害救济的现状和不足。文章采取实证分析的方法,以“塔斯曼海”油轮案为典型案例,着重分析了该案解决自然资源损害中的疑难问题,如起诉主体的确定,自然资源损害的量化,自然资源损害评估等。在救济自然资源损害法律制度方面,自然资源损害的救济存在环境行政措施、环境侵权法律制度和环境公益诉讼等缺失和限制。由于环境侵权法的保护对象仅限于人身和财产权益,无法对单纯自然资源生态利益提供保护和救济,而且环境行政立法和控制措施尚不完备,形成“有问题,没制度”的局面。 第三章分析了主要国际条约和美国、欧盟、俄罗斯中的自然资源损害救济法律实践。域外法律实践给我国的启示为:明确自然资源损害救济主体;建立环境公益诉讼;建立自然资源损害评估制度。 第四章构建我国自然资源损害救济法律制度。结合目前的法律制度和司法实践,要解决自然资源损害“有问题,没制度”的局面,必须构建自然资源损害救济法律制度。在构建法律制度时,本文围绕自然资源损害责任构成要件,谁是最佳的自然资源损害救济主体,自然资源损害量化,在司法救济程序上如何启动等问题展开了深入研究。具体内容首先为自然资源损害责任构成条件包括自然资源损害行为、自然资源损害事实和因果关系;请求救济主体为环境保护行政主管部门,并将其作为第一顺序救济主体。当第一顺序主体不作为时,任何公民或环保团体都可以成为第二顺序救济主体;救济方式是以恢复原状和排除侵害为主,损害赔偿为辅的责任承担方式。在损害赔偿中还需要利用社会化救济手段来弥补致害人损害赔偿能力的不足。最后,在救济途径方面从原告资格的拓宽、受案理由、事先告知程序和诉前禁令来构建环境公益诉讼制度。
[Abstract]:Natural resources damage is a new kind of damage which is different from the traditional damage ( personal injury , property damage or mental damage ) . It refers to the great significant adverse change of natural resources , which is caused by industrial activity or other people ' s reason , or the major damage , damage and destruction of natural resources .
This article includes the following four chapters :
Chapter 1 mainly introduces the definition , characteristics and essence of natural resource damage . Natural resources damage is a new kind of damage which is different from the traditional damage ( personal injury , property damage or mental harm ) . Compared with traditional damage , the object of natural resource damage is natural resource itself ; the damaged subject has non - specific property and universality ; the damage consequence has the intangible property , it is difficult to recover and long - term latent . Natural resource damage is essentially the damage of public environmental interest .
The second chapter analyzes the current situation and shortcomings of the relief of natural resources damage in our country . The article takes the case of " Tasman Sea " as a typical case and analyzes the problems in the case of natural resource damage , such as the determination of the subject , the quantification of the damage of natural resources , the assessment of natural resources damage , etc . In the aspect of the legal system of the damage of natural resources , the relief of natural resource damage is limited to the loss and limitation of environmental administrative measures , environmental tort law system and environmental public interest litigation . The protection object of environmental tort law is limited to the protection and relief of the ecological benefit of the pure natural resources , and the environment administrative legislation and control measures are not complete , and the situation of " problematic and no system " is formed .
Chapter Three analyzes the legal practice of natural resource damage relief in the major international treaties and the United States , the European Union and Russia . The extraterritorial legal practice is the inspiration to China : the explicit natural resources damage relief subject ; the establishment of environmental public interest litigation ; and the establishment of the natural resource damage assessment system .
In order to solve the problem of the damage of natural resources , it is necessary to construct the legal system for the damage of natural resources .
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