本文选题:环境习惯法 + 国家法 ; 参考:《浙江农林大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:环境习惯法是人们在长期生产以及生活当中逐渐形成的、以环境和自然资源保护为指向的民间规范。环境习惯法的功能和运行以产权界定、意识形态两种途径进行,同时国家法的态度及其与环境习惯法在特定时期的关系,是环境习惯法功能发挥的重要背景。此外,种类繁多的具体规则、特定的社会权威组织的保障也是环境习惯法得以发挥生态保护作用的基础。这些因素的共同作用,确保了环境习惯法在传统社会中功能机制的运行与发挥。 做为传统社会发展阶段的产物,环境习惯法的生成、运行都是对特定时代背景的回应,是不同时期人们对环境与自然资源保护规则需求的体现。随着乡土社会的瓦解、传统文化的日渐式微,环境习惯法得赖以生存与功能发挥的社会基础逐渐消解。此外,国家法对这些民间规则态度的转变,使得环境习惯法的功能发挥遇到了严重障碍,也使其在现代化的进程中陷入困境。本文认为,如何实现环境习惯法在现代社会背景下的生态保护功能,是建立和完善我国环境与自然资源管理制度的关键与要点之一。本文对环境习惯法在现代社会中所处困境的表现及其原因进行了梳理和说明,详细阐述了环境习惯法在现代社会语境中功能的实现以及与国家法之间的良性互动机制。本文认为,应当对环境习惯法进行辨识、清理、成文化与体系化,同时改变国家法的僵硬态度,实现习惯法与国家法之间的合理分工。
[Abstract]:The environmental customary law is a folk norm which is gradually formed in the long-term production and life with the environmental and natural resources protection as the direction. The function and operation of environmental customary law are defined by property right and ideology. At the same time, the attitude of national law and its relationship with environmental customary law in a specific period are the important background for the function of environmental customary law. In addition, a variety of specific rules, the protection of specific social authority organizations are also the basis of environmental customary law to play an ecological protection role. The combined action of these factors ensures the operation and exertion of the function mechanism of the environmental customary law in the traditional society. As the product of the traditional stage of social development, the generation and operation of the environmental customary law is a response to the specific background of the times, and it is the embodiment of the environmental and natural resource protection rules in different periods. With the disintegration of the local society and the gradual decline of traditional culture, the social basis on which the environmental customary law depends on survival and function is gradually eliminated. In addition, the change of the attitude of the national law to these folk rules makes the function of the environmental customary law meet with serious obstacles, and makes it fall into a dilemma in the process of modernization. This paper holds that how to realize the ecological protection function of environmental customary law under the background of modern society is one of the key points to establish and perfect the management system of environment and natural resources in China. In this paper, the expression and reasons of the predicament of environmental customary law in modern society are analyzed and explained, and the realization of the function of environmental customary law in the context of modern society and the benign interaction mechanism between environmental customary law and national law are expounded in detail. This paper holds that the environmental customary law should be identified, cleaned up, and transformed into culture and systematization. At the same time, the rigid attitude of national law should be changed, and the reasonable division of labor between customary law and national law should be realized.
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