本文选题:乡镇 + 环境保护 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 乡镇环境保护管理立法是指国家机构依法创制、修改、废止关于乡镇环境保护管理活动的有关法律、法规、规章和规范性文件的活动,以及这种活动最终形成的法律、法规、规章和规范性文件体系。现行乡镇环境保护管理立法初具雏形,形成了包括国家和地方两个层面,由宪法、法律、行政法规和地方性法规、部门规章和地方人民政府规章以及规范性文件等组成的多层次体系,在内容上可以分为乡镇环境保护管理组织立法、职责立法、职权立法和责任立法等四个部分。但是,现行乡镇环境保护管理立法还存在不同层次立法之间不协调、不同部门立法之间不衔接、若干必要内容欠缺、部分重要内容重复、与现行有效管理制度缺乏衔接等诸多缺陷。乡镇环境保护管理实践的很不发达、我国环境保护立法理念的偏差、乡镇环境保护管理立法研究的薄弱等因素共同决定了乡镇环境保护管理立法所存在的缺陷。《城乡规划法》和《水污染防治法》分别从职权、职责等方面对乡镇环境保护管理立法作出新的发展。 完善乡镇环境保护管理立法是重视乡镇环境保护管理工作,建设乡镇环境保护管理队伍,完善乡镇环境保护管理投入,规范乡镇环境保护管理行为,满足公众环境保护要求,实施乡镇环境保护管理立法,完善环境保护法律体系构建,改革环境保护管理体制立法的要求和需要。乡镇环境保护管理立法的内在合理性,国家环境保护政策的发展,各地乡镇环境保护管理的实践以及国外乡镇环境保护管理立法的经验共同构成了完善乡镇环境保护管理立法的可行性基础。 乡镇环境保护管理应该采取分散立法、以行政法规和地方性法规为主,包括乡镇环境保护管理各方面内容,协调、统一的立法模式;充分体现乡镇环境保护管理的特色,全面覆盖乡镇环境保护管理组织立法、职责立法、职权立法、责任立法和相关立法等内容。完善乡镇环境保护管理立法应遵循合法性、实效性、协调性等原则;并通过加强乡镇环境保护管理立法研究,明确国家有关乡镇环境管理政策,采取合适的完善策略等路径来实现。
[Abstract]:The legislation on environmental protection and management in towns and townships refers to the activities of the relevant laws, regulations, regulations and normative documents concerning the environmental protection and management activities of townships created, revised and abolished by state agencies according to law, as well as the laws and regulations resulting from such activities, System of regulations and normative documents The current legislation on environmental protection and management in townships is in its infancy and has formed at the national and local levels, consisting of the constitution, laws, administrative regulations and local laws and regulations, The multi-level system composed of departmental regulations, rules of local people's governments and normative documents can be divided into four parts: the legislation of environmental protection and management organizations in villages and towns, the legislation of duty, the legislation of authority and the legislation of responsibility. However, the current legislation on environmental protection and management of villages and towns is still not coordinated among different levels of legislation, does not link up with legislation of different departments, lacks some necessary contents, and repeats some important contents. Lack of convergence with the current effective management system and many other defects. The practice of environmental protection management in villages and towns is very underdeveloped, and the deviation of the concept of environmental protection legislation in China, The weakness of the legislation on environmental protection and management in towns and villages together determines the defects of the legislation on environmental protection and management in towns and townships. The Urban and Rural Planning Law and the Water pollution Prevention and Control Law have their respective functions and powers. Responsibilities and other aspects of the township environmental protection and management legislation to make new development. To perfect the environmental protection management legislation of villages and towns is to attach importance to the environmental protection management of towns and townships, to build the environmental protection management team of towns and villages, to perfect the investment of environmental protection management in towns and villages, to standardize the environmental protection management behaviors of towns and villages, and to meet the requirements of public environmental protection It is necessary to implement the legislation of environmental protection management in villages and towns, perfect the legal system of environmental protection, and reform the legislation of environmental protection management system. The inherent rationality of the environmental protection management legislation in towns, the development of the national environmental protection policy, The practice of environmental protection and management in villages and towns and the experiences of foreign countries constitute the feasible basis for perfecting the legislation of environmental protection management in villages and towns. The environmental protection management of villages and towns should adopt decentralized legislation, mainly administrative regulations and local laws and regulations, including various aspects of environmental protection management in towns and villages, coordinate and unify the legislative model, fully reflect the characteristics of environmental protection management in towns and villages. Comprehensive coverage of the township environmental protection management organization legislation, duty legislation, authority legislation, responsibility legislation and related legislation and so on. We should follow the principles of legality, effectiveness and coordination to improve the legislation of environmental protection management in villages and towns, and make clear the state policies on environmental management of villages and towns by strengthening the research on the legislation of environmental protection management in villages and towns. Take appropriate strategies to improve the path to achieve.
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