本文选题:跨界污染纠纷 + 区域合作 ; 参考:《法学家》2017年04期
[Abstract]:Under the background of the separation of central and local administrative power and financial power, the local administrative organ is the main body of the local interests in the jurisdiction, and the execution of the relevant administrative act should conform to the due process and consult with the neighboring local administrative organ. Unilateral investigation of pollution damage or commissioning of a judge suspected of serving as his own case. The court should strictly examine whether the administrative act and administrative investigation followed the procedure of regional consultation and cooperation. The court itself should be bound by the rules of regional cooperation, need to further strengthen judicial neutrality, in the current judicial system should gradually improve the jurisdiction system, truly equal treatment of both parties.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院法学研究所;
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